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17:49, 25 November 2023 NV 838912 001 Bloody Point frm 1965.pdf (file) 88 KB "This point is at the scene or near scene of a bloody murder in July 1869 of two white men by Indians" From http://geonames.usgs.gov/apex/feat_folder?p_file=742914 1
17:04, 24 November 2023 1893MapShowingStMarysRabbitHoleCampMcKee.png (file) 2.99 MB From https://www.loc.gov/item/98688513/ "Indexed county and township pocket map and shippers guide of Nevada, accompanied by a new and origianl compilation and ready reference index, showing in detail the entire railroad network." "Rand McNally and Company." "Chicago, 1893" 1
03:21, 13 November 2023 Map showing St. Mary's Hotel.png (file) 764 KB Map showing St. Mary's Hotel at S25 T33N R33E. From BLM GLO (https://glorecords.blm.gov/details/survey/default.aspx?dm_id=356601&sid=sydtij3m.3rg#surveyDetailsTabIndex=1) 1
01:58, 4 August 2023 1865 11 18-MurderOfBellew Humboldt.pdf (file) 372 KB November 18, 1865 article from the Humboldt Register about the murder of Joseph W. Bellew 1
11:07, 2 August 2023 1866 01 20 A Gallant Fight in Fish Creek Valley Humboldt.pdf (file) 1.52 MB A Gallant Fight in Fish Creek Valley, Humboldt Register, January 20, 1866 1
15:41, 18 April 2023 1866 03 17 Another Gallant Fight Humboldt Reg.jpg (file) 957 KB Lower resolution so we can a thumbnail 2
02:48, 21 March 2023 Lovelock07191912Mazumaflood.pdf (file) 524 KB "Mazuma Devastated by Cloud Burst", p. 1, Seven Troughs and Lovelock Review-Miner, July 19, 1912. Source: http://www.nevadapress.com/nevadapress.com/150_files/Lovelock07191912Mazuma%20flood.pdf As this document is from before 1926, it is in the public domain. 1
03:48, 3 March 2023 Postmaster Appointments for Roop County, Nevada -NAID78757501.jpg (file) 1.67 MB "Postmaster Appointments for Roop County, Nevada" From https://catalog.archives.gov/id/78757501?objectPage=2 Postmasters for Smoke Creek, Spring City, "Harden" City, Granite Creek, Deep Hole, Harveyville, Hot Springs, Mud Meadows and Summit Springs. Note that Spring City became Hot Springs which probably became Trego. Note that "Harden" City became Harveyville. 1
06:23, 2 March 2023 OldGraniteStation1895Plat.png (file) 1.42 MB Old Granite Station and Jas. Raser place. From https://glorecords.blm.gov/details/survey/default.aspx?dm_id=355113&sid=eiaud0rc.nlx#surveyDetailsTabIndex=1 "Subdivision of Sections 2/1/1895 NV Mount Diablo 033.0N - 023.0E" 1
15:49, 19 February 2023 Satellite 5-4-1993 WetDry 7,4,2-labels.png (file) 1.55 MB From https://eros.usgs.gov/sites/eros.usgs.gov/files/earthshot/Black_Rock_Playa/5-4-1993_WetDry_7%2C4%2C2-labels.png From https://eros.usgs.gov/media-gallery/earthshot/wet-dry-cycle "An image from May 4, 1993, shows an interesting effect. Water from that year’s temporary lake was blown out of its bed to the north by a strong south wind. A shallow scarp, only 20–40 centimeters high, curves around the north edge of the playa and often marks the edge of the lake. But the blue color washes over... 1
01:49, 28 January 2023 Portion of WP in Nevada 1931 map showing "Heslin", a typo for Hesip.png (file) 2.2 MB Portion of WP in Nevada 1931 map showing "Heslin", a typo for Heslip. Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Western_Pacific_RR_1931_Nevada.jpg Which says: "English: Western Pacific in Nevada 1931" "Date 5 May 2018, 16:04:21" "Source Missouri Pacific Railway map" "Author Missouri Pacific Railway" 1
04:51, 13 January 2023 GerlachGeothermalExplorationProjectTopoMap FromPlanV05 2022-09-15.jpg (file) 1.1 MB Gerlach Geothermal Exploration Project Topo Map From page 23 of https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2016744/200502175/20069030/250075212/Gerlach%20Operations%20Plan%20V05_2022-09-15_clean.pdf 1
20:44, 26 December 2022 Antelope Springs and others.png (file) 2.71 MB Antelope Springs, Willow Springs and Cedar Springs. From the 1985 Eugene Mts, NV 1:100,000 USGS map at https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/viewer/#13/40.6773/-118.5146 1
04:01, 9 February 2022 Mountain View Plan Land Status 100K.png (file) 1.57 MB Mountain View Exploration Project, land status 1:100k. From https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2017396/200510614/20054085/250060268/Mountain%20View%20Plan%20Land%20Status%20100K.pdf 1
03:59, 9 February 2022 Mountain View Plan Land Status 100K.pdf (file) 4.42 MB Mountain View Exploration Project, land status 1:100k. From https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2017396/200510614/20054085/250060268/Mountain%20View%20Plan%20Land%20Status%20100K.pdf 1
03:57, 9 February 2022 Mountain View Plan Land Status 24K.png (file) 1.4 MB Mountain View Exploration Project, land status 1:24k. From: https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2017396/200510614/20054084/250060267/Mountain%20View%20Plan%20Land%20Status%2024K.pdf PDF version: File:Mountain View Plan Land Status 24K.pdf 1
03:50, 9 February 2022 Mountain View Plan Land Status 24K.pdf (file) 3.85 MB Mountain View Exploration Project, land status 1:24k. From https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2017396/200510614/20054084/250060267/Mountain%20View%20Plan%20Land%20Status%2024K.pdf 1
00:23, 28 December 2021 Gerlach Baseline Studies Status 508.pdf (file) 86 KB From https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2016744/200502175/20051292/250057475/Gerlach_Baseline%20Studies%20Status_508.pdf See https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2016744/570 1
00:19, 28 December 2021 Ormat Gerlach Exploration Operations Plan 508.pdf (file) 7 MB From https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2016744/200502175/20051265/250057448/Ormat_Gerlach%20Exploration%20Operations%20Plan_508.pdf See https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2016744/570 1
17:43, 17 December 2021 Gerlach Geothermal Exploration Map 508 0.png (file) 5.05 MB PNG version of the PDF downloaded from https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/docs/2021-12/Gerlach_Geothermal%20Exploration_Map_508_0.pdf 1
17:40, 17 December 2021 Gerlach Geothermal Exploration Map 508 0.pdf (file) 1.69 MB Downloaded from https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/docs/2021-12/Gerlach_Geothermal%20Exploration_Map_508_0.pdf 1
18:15, 15 February 2021 OrmatGerlachProposal2020-Map.jpg (file) 2.11 MB From File:OrmatGerlachProposal2020.pdf 1
18:11, 15 February 2021 OrmatGerlachProposal2020.pdf (file) 2.83 MB From https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/nevadawilderness/pages/3290/attachments/original/1604089503/OrmatGerlachProposal2020.pdf?1604089503 1
02:51, 9 July 2020 SER Patent 154542.PDF (file) 158 KB Patent for gypsum mine at what was to be Empire. 1
02:42, 2 September 2017 BlackRockDesert2017-09-01ShowingTohakum2Fire.png (file) 1.11 MB The Tohakum2 fire is shown in this satellite image from https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/ dated September 1, 2017. In this image, the burn scar can be seen running north east from Pyramid Lake, crossing highway 447 and the Selenite Range.... 1
04:07, 27 June 2017 BlackRockDesertFalseColorShowingWater-2017-06-13-to-2017-06-26.gif (file) 1.08 MB A galse color animated GIF of water on the Black Rock Desert. The loop runs from June 13, 2017 to June 26, 2017. Note that the water recedes and advances with the wind. For details, see Satellite. 1
15:10, 5 June 2017 BRD1June2017.jpg (file) 275 KB June 1, 2017: Water on the Black Rock and Smoke Creek Deserts. For details, see Satellites. 1
13:39, 4 April 2017 Nasa-worldview-2017-03-02.png (file) 1.59 MB Water coverage for the playa on April 3, 2017. See Satellite for how to get recent water coverage data. 1
00:29, 1 April 2017 Nasa-worldview-2016-05-28-to-2017-03-31.gif (file) 1.56 MB Water on the Playa from 2016-05-28 until 2017-03-31.gif. See Satellite for how to reproduce this. 1
04:40, 21 November 2016 RoundHoleSmokeCreekDesertFairbanks1904.tiff (file) 168 KB Round Hole, Smoke Creek Desert. Source: Harold W. Fairbanks, "[https://archive.org/details/westernunitedst00fairgoog The Western United States; A Geographical Reader]," 1908. p. 100. For a jpeg file, see [[:File:RoundHoleSmokeCreekDesertFairb... 1
04:38, 21 November 2016 RoundHoleSmokeCreekDesertFairbanks1904.jpg (file) 28 KB Round Hole, Smoke Creek Desert. Source: Harold W. Fairbanks, "[https://archive.org/details/westernunitedst00fairgoog The Western United States; A Geographical Reader]," 1908. p. 100. 1
02:05, 21 November 2016 MushroomRockAnahoIslandPyramidLakeRussell1885.jpg (file) 119 KB Rotated left. 2
02:02, 21 November 2016 MushroomRockAnahoIslandPyramidLakeRussell1885.tiff (file) 836 KB Mushroom Rock on Anaho Island, Pyramid Lake. Source: Israel Cook Russell, "[https://archive.org/stream/geologicalhisto00russgoog Geological History of Lake Lahontan: A Quaternary Lake of Northwestern Nevada]," 1885. For a jpeg version, se... 1
01:48, 21 November 2016 AnahoIslandPyramidLakeNevadaRussell1885.tiff (file) 220 KB Anaho Island, Pyramid Lake, showing Mushroom Rock. From Israel Cook Russell, "[https://archive.org/details/geologicalhisto00russgoog Geological History of Lake Lahontan: A Quaternary Lake of Northwestern Nevada]," 1885. For a jpeg version... 1
01:30, 21 November 2016 AnahoIslandPyramidLakeNevadaRussell1885.jpg (file) 62 KB Cropped version that has a working thumbnail. 2
00:55, 21 November 2016 PSM V58 D519 Mushroom rock of anaho island.png (file) 315 KB Mushroom Rock on Anaho Island, Pyramid Lake. Source: Harold Wellman Fairbanks, "[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Popular_Science_Monthly/Volume_58/March_1901/Pyramid_Lake,_Nevada Popular Science Monthly Pyramid Lake, Nevada]," Volume 58, Ma... 1
23:43, 20 November 2016 PyramidAndWinnemuccaLakesMapRussell1885.jpg (file) 268 KB Map of Pyramid and Winnumucca Lakes showing Astor Pass, Marble Buttes, The Needles, Terrace Pt. Source: Israel Cook Russell, "[https://archive.org/stream/geologicalhisto00russgoog Geological History of Lake Lahontan: A Quaternary Lake of Northwest... 1
23:39, 20 November 2016 PyramidAndWinnemuccaLakesMapRussell1885.tiff (file) 1.24 MB Map of Pyramid and Winnumucca Lakes showing Astor Pass, Marble Buttes, The Needles, Terrace Pt. Source: Israel Cook Russell, "[https://archive.org/stream/geologicalhisto00russgoog Geological History of Lake Lahontan: A Quaternary Lake of Northwest... 1
06:00, 2 June 2016 LocationOfLithiumNash1996.png (file) 195 KB Location of known mines, prospects, and occurrences of lithium in the WSRA. Information from MRDS and MILS databases. From J. T. Nash, "[http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1996/0721/report.pdf Resource Assessment of the US Bureau of Land Management's Winnemucca... 1
06:01, 2 April 2016 Gerlach1911Plat.png (file) 1.34 MB Gerlach 1911 Plat showing Borax Deposits south of town and Borax Mill north of town. 1
05:43, 2 April 2016 CraineSpring1873Survey.png (file) 440 KB Craine Spring from the 1873 Survey Map for 039.0N - 027.0E from http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/details/survey/default.aspx?dm_id=389148&sid=kbod1wo3.rn5#surveyDetailsTabIndex=1 1
05:12, 2 April 2016 ElephantMountain PaiuteMeadows1972.png (file) 1.04 MB A portion of the 1972 1:24,000 Paiute Meadows quad showing Elephant Mountain. 1
05:46, 29 March 2016 GunTriangulationStationDisk.png (file) 74 KB Gun Triangulation Station Disk. From http://keck.library.unr.edu/searchresultsnew.aspx?q=Leonard+Creek+Slough+South&type=naip 1
01:39, 28 March 2016 CrowbarSpringUSGS1979.png (file) 1.35 MB Crowbar Spring, from the 1979 1:24,000 USGS quad by the same name found at http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/img4/ht_icons/Browse/NV/NV_Crowbar%20Spring_517358_1979_24000.jpg 1
04:13, 21 September 2015 FlyGeyserWikimedia 1600x1208 JeremyCMunns 20May2005.jpg (file) 796 KB From https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fly_geyser.jpg, * "Description: Fly Geyser in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada." * "Date 20 May 2005" * "Source Own work" * "Author Jeremy C. Munns" 1
06:24, 10 September 2015 Cscrm 000335 07 access3675x2040.jpg (file) 1.46 MB Map of the route of the Western Pacific from the 1910 first public time table. Included are Puna, Flannigan, Keppler, Sand Pass, Fresco, Sano, Reynard, Bronte, Phil, Gerlach, Ascalon, Trego, Cholona, Ronda, Sulphur, Antelope, Jungo. Original source:... 1
06:49, 22 February 2015 GibsonNevadaFromWadsworth1894Rp1942.jpg (file) 993 KB Gibson, Nevada. (Historical Location located south of Winnemucca Lake. From [http://contentdm.library.unr.edu/cdm/ref/collection/hmaps/id/1618 Wadsworth (1894, Rp. 1942)]," Map, Mary B. Ansari Map Library, University of Nevada, Reno. 1
04:29, 17 February 2015 ReconMapOfCentralNightingaleRange1945.jpg (file) 1.29 MB C.W. Chesterman, S. W. Hobbs, "Reconnaissance Map of Central Part of the Nightingale Range," UNR, KC-Special Collections. From http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/scans/3400/02800047.pdf This work was prepared by the Geological Survey, so use of it is permitted. 1
02:38, 17 February 2015 TungstenPropertiesInTheGerlachArea1943.jpg (file) 412 KB From M. R. Klepper, C. W. Chesterman, "[http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/scans/0160/01600026.pdf Tungsten Deposits of the Gerlach Area]," USGS, 1943. The source for this image is http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/scans/2340/23400014.pdf. As this work was prepared by... 1
05:07, 22 January 2015 FremontPyramidLake1844.png (file) 1.91 MB From Donald Jackson and Mary Lee Spence (eds.), "[https://archive.org/stream/expeditionsofjoh01fr The expeditions of John Charles Frémont]," p. 606, 1970. 1
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