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|[ 846127]
|{{GNISL|846128|Summit Spring}}
|[[Rocky Peak]]
|[[Summit Spring]]
|[ 405958N 1185849W]
|[ 404636N 1192450W]
|[[Black Rock Point East 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point East]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 863297]
|{{GNISL|850161|Wagon Tire Pass}}
|[[Jackson Creek Slough]]
|[[Wagon Tire Pass]]
|[ 405635N 1185307W]
|[ 405206N 1192855W]
|[[Black Rock Point East 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point East]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 838881]
|{{GNISL|850162|The Homestead}}
|[[Black Rock Point]]
|[[The Homestead]]
|[ 405821N 1190006W]
|[ 405127N 1192717W]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 857506]
|{{GNISL|850163|Miller Basin}}
|[[Black Rock Springs]]
|[[Miller Basin]]
|[ 405827N 1190029W]
|[ 404948N 1192721W]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 863276]
|{{GNISL|850164|The Banjo}}
|[[Black Rock Desert]]
|[[The Banjo]]
|[ 405439N 1190322W]
|[ 405003N 1192554W]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 863287]
|{{GNISL|850165|The Orchard}}
|[[Quinn River]]
|[[The Orchard]]
|[ 405259N 1190350W]
|[ 404845N 1192939W]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 839519]
|{{GNISL|850166|Skull Meadow}}
|[[Cholona Siding]]
|[[Skull Meadow]]
|[ 404926N 1185845W]
|[ 404814N 1192459W]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 846458]
|{{GNISL|850167|Granite Creek Meadow}}
|[[Hot Springs Station]]
|[[Granite Creek Meadow]]
|[ 404637N 1185348W]
|[ 404808N 1192416W]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 847447]
|{{GNISL|850168|Clear Creek Meadow}}
|[[Pahsupp Mountain]]
|[[Clear Creek Meadow]]
|[ 404638N 1185935W]
|[ 404744N 1192538W]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 850070]
|{{GNISL|850169|The Tank}}
|[[Lava Beds Creek]]
|[[The Tank]]
|[ 404705N 1185758W]
|[ 404608N 1192400W]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 850110]
|{{GNISL|850392|Garden Springs}}
|[[Garden Springs]]
|[  404654N 1192743W]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|{{GNISL|850393|Clear Creek Ranch}}
|[[Clear Creek Ranch]]
|[ 404930N 1185853W]
|[ 404716N 1192957W]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 840094]
|{{GNISL|850396|Heward Reservoir}}
|[[Donnelly Flat]]
|[[Heward Reservoir]]
|[ 410631N 1191741W]
|[  405226N 1192754W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|{{GNISL|854924|Granite Peak}}
|[[Granite Peak]]
|[ 404722N 1192550W]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 840095]
|{{GNISL|858521|Deephole Mining District}}
|[[Donnelly Spring]]
|[[Deephole Mining District]]
|[ 410605N 1191509W]
|[ 405156N 1192601W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[The Banjo 1:24,000 Map | The Banjo]]
|[ 841985]
|{{GNISL|846127|Rocky Peak}}
|[[McCarty Spring]]
|[[Rocky Peak]]
|[ 410650N 1191621W]
|[ 405958N 1185849W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Black Rock Point East 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point East]]
|[ 843120]
|{{GNISL|863297|Jackson Creek Slough}}
|[[Razor Canyon]]
|[[Jackson Creek Slough]]
|[ 410353N 1192210W]
|[ 405635N 1185307W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Black Rock Point East 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point East]]
|[ 845656]
|{{GNISL|838881|Black Rock Point}}
|[[Sheep Peaks]]
|[[Black Rock Point]]
|[ 410657N 1191944W]
|[ 405821N 1190006W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[ 846069]
|{{GNISL|857506|Black Rock Springs}}
|[[Division Range]]
|[[Black Rock Springs]]
|[ 410700N 1191945W]
|[ 405827N 1190029W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[ 846479]
|{{GNISL|863276|Black Rock Desert}}
|[[King Spring]]
|[[Black Rock Desert]]
|[ 410118N 1191644W]
|[ 405439N 1190322W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[ 846483]
|{{GNISL|863287|Quinn River}}
|[[Ladden Cone]]
|[[Quinn River]]
|[ 410657N 1191948W]
|[ 405259N 1190350W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Black Rock Point West 1:24,000 Map | Black Rock Point West]]
|[ 846484]
|{{GNISL|839519|Cholona Siding}}
|[[Mount Observation]]
|[[Cholona Siding]]
|[ 410245N 1192137W]
|[  404926N 1185845W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|{{GNISL|846458|Hot Springs Station}}
|[[Hot Springs Station]]
|[ 404637N 1185348W]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[ 847458]
|{{GNISL|847447|Pahsupp Mountain}}
|[[Pipeline Spring]]
|[[Pahsupp Mountain]]
|[ 410518N 1191524W]
|[ 404638N 1185935W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[ 853273]
|{{GNISL|850070|Lava Beds Creek}}
|[[Donnelly Mining District]]
|[[Lava Beds Creek]]
|[ 410553N 1191513W]
|[ 404705N 1185758W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[ 854823]
|[[Raiser City (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[ 410654N 1191628W]
|[ 404930N 1185853W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Cholona 1:24,000 Map | Cholona]]
|[ 856478]
|{{GNISL|840094|Donnelly Flat}}
|[[Division Peak]]
|[[Donnelly Flat]]
|[ 410610N 1191939W]
|[ 410631N 1191741W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 857458]
|{{GNISL|840095|Donnelly Spring}}
|[[Cane Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Spring]]
|[ 410115N 1191631W]
|[ 410605N 1191509W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 857895]
|{{GNISL|841985|McCarty Spring}}
|[[Barley Road]]
|[[McCarty Spring]]
|[ 410330N 1191836W]
|[ 410650N 1191621W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|{{GNISL|843120|Razor Canyon}}
|[[Razor Canyon]]
|[  410353N 1192210W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 863319]
|{{GNISL|845656|Sheep Peaks}}
|[[Donnelly Peak]]
|[[Sheep Peaks]]
|[ 410552N 1191544W]
|[ 410657N 1191944W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 864789]
|{{GNISL|846069|Division Range}}
|[[Granite Creek Post Office (historical)]]
|[[Division Range]]
|Post Office
|[ 410654N 1191628W]
|[ 410700N 1191945W]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 846465]
|{{GNISL|846479|King Spring}}
|[[Sheep Spring]]
|[[King Spring]]
|[ 410520N 1190930W]
|[ 410118N 1191644W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 846480]
|{{GNISL|846483|Ladden Cone}}
|[[Finley Ranch]]
|[[Ladden Cone]]
|[ 410532N 1190947W]
|[ 410657N 1191948W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849833]
|{{GNISL|846484|Mount Observation}}
|[[Buck Springs]]
|[[Mount Observation]]
|[ 410501N 1191224W]
|[ 410245N 1192137W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849834]
|{{GNISL|847458|Pipeline Spring}}
|[[North Fork Cow Creek]]
|[[Pipeline Spring]]
|[ 410426N 1191018W]
|[ 410518N 1191524W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849836]
|{{GNISL|853273|Donnelly Mining District}}
|[[South Fork Cow Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Mining District]]
|[ 410426N 1191018W]
|[ 410553N 1191513W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849837]
|{{GNISL|854823|Raiser City (historical)}}
|[[Cottonwood Creek]]
|[[Raiser City (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[ 410301N 1190746W]
|[ 410654N 1191628W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849838]
|{{GNISL|856478|Division Peak}}
|[[Morley Place]]
|[[Division Peak]]
|[ 410300N 1190925W]
|[ 410610N 1191939W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849839]
|{{GNISL|857458|Cane Springs (Division Peak)}}
|[[Petrified Canyon]]
|[[Cane Springs (Division Peak)]]
|[ 410157N 1190941W]
|[ 410115N 1191631W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849840]
|{{GNISL|857895|Barley Road}}
|[[South Donnelly Peak]]
|[[Barley Road]]
|[ 410201N 1191334W]
|[ 410330N 1191836W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849841]
|{{GNISL|863319|Donnelly Peak}}
|[[Government Spring]]
|[[Donnelly Peak]]
|[ 410119N 1191001W]
|[ 410552N 1191544W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849842]
|{{GNISL|864789|Granite Creek Post Office (historical)}}
|[[Jackson Ranch]]
|[[Granite Creek Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[ 410105N 1190752W]
|[ 410654N 1191628W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Division Peak 1:24,000 Map | Division Peak]]
|[ 849843]
|{{GNISL|846465|Sheep Spring}}
|[[Burro Spring]]
|[[Sheep Spring]]
|[ 410055N 1191017W]
|[ 410520N 1190930W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 849845]
|{{GNISL|846480|Finley Ranch}}
|[[Copper Spring]]
|[[Finley Ranch]]
|[  410532N 1190947W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|{{GNISL|849833|Buck Springs}}
|[[Buck Springs]]
|[ 410014N 1191335W]
|[ 410501N 1191224W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 854749]
|{{GNISL|849834|North Fork Cow Creek}}
|[[Jackass Flats]]
|[[North Fork Cow Creek]]
|[ 410516N 1190851W]
|[ 410426N 1191018W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 854822]
|{{GNISL|849836|South Fork Cow Creek}}
|[[States Ranch]]
|[[South Fork Cow Creek]]
|[ 410658N 1190736W]
|[ 410426N 1191018W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 864060]
|{{GNISL|849837|Cottonwood Creek}}
|[[Soldier Meadow Number 2 Airport]]
|[[Cottonwood Creek]]
|[ 410719N 1190814W]
|[ 410301N 1190746W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 2035079]
|{{GNISL|849838|Morley Place}}
|[[Calico Mountains Wilderness]]
|[[Morley Place]]
|[ 410110N 1191332W]
|[ 410300N 1190925W]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 839551]
|{{GNISL|849839|Petrified Canyon}}
|[[Clapper Creek]]
|[[Petrified Canyon]]
|[ 410532N 1190237W]
|[ 410157N 1190941W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 840093]
|{{GNISL|849840|South Donnelly Peak}}
|[[Donnelly Creek]]
|[[South Donnelly Peak]]
|[ 410511N 1190555W]
|[ 410201N 1191334W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 840101]
|{{GNISL|849841|Government Spring}}
|[[Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Government Spring]]
|[ 410305N 1190144W]
|[ 410119N 1191001W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 846478]
|{{GNISL|849842|Jackson Ranch}}
|[[Vogel Weiss Ranch]]
|[[Jackson Ranch]]
|[ 410445N 1190619W]
|[ 410105N 1190752W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 847423]
|{{GNISL|849843|Burro Spring}}
|[[Mud Meadow Creek]]
|[[Burro Spring]]
|[ 410056N 1190519W]
|[ 410055N 1191017W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 848360]
|{{GNISL|849845|Copper Spring}}
|[[Wheeler Ranch]]
|[[Copper Spring]]
|[ 410653N 1190728W]
|[ 410014N 1191335W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 849835]
|{{GNISL|854749|Jackass Flats}}
|[[Cow Creek]]
|[[Jackass Flats]]
|[ 410322N 1190650W]
|[ 410516N 1190851W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 850379]
|{{GNISL|854822|States Ranch}}
|[[Casey Springs]]
|[[States Ranch]]
|[ 410010N 1190052W]
|[ 410658N 1190736W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 850383]
|{{GNISL|864060|Soldier Meadow Number 2 Airport}}
|[[Jackson Reservoir]]
|[[Soldier Meadow Number 2 Airport]]
|[ 410526N 1190458W]
|[ 410719N 1190814W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 850384]
|{{GNISL|2035079|Calico Mountains Wilderness}}
|[[Bronco Springs]]
|[[Calico Mountains Wilderness]]
|[ 410514N 1190651W]
|[ 410110N 1191332W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Donnelly Creek 1:24,000 Map | Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 856475]
|{{GNISL|839551|Clapper Creek}}
|[[Hardin City]]
|[[Clapper Creek]]
|[ 410653N 1190009W]
|[ 410532N 1190237W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 857384]
|{{GNISL|840093|Donnelly Creek}}
|[[Van Riper Spring]]
|[[Donnelly Creek]]
|[ 410151N 1190102W]
|[ 410511N 1190555W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 864649]
|{{GNISL|840101|Double Hot Springs}}
|[[Harveyville Post Office (historical)]]
|[[Double Hot Springs]]
|Post Office
|[ 410653N 1190009W]
|[ 410305N 1190144W]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 850364]
|{{GNISL|846478|Vogel Weiss Ranch}}
|[[Arcturus Mine]]
|[[Vogel Weiss Ranch]]
|[ 404224N 1191348W]
|[ 410445N 1190619W]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 856508]
|{{GNISL|847423|Mud Meadow Creek}}
|[[Old Razorback Mountain]]
|[[Mud Meadow Creek]]
|[ 404433N 1190834W]
|[ 410056N 1190519W]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 856509]
|{{GNISL|848360|Wheeler Ranch}}
|[[Garett Ranch]]
|[[Wheeler Ranch]]
|[ 404446N 1191014W]
|[ 410653N 1190728W]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 857053]
|{{GNISL|84983|Cow Creek}}
|[[Garrett Ranch Well]]
|[[Cow Creek]]
|[ 404446N 1191015W]
|[ 410322N 1190650W]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 839019]
|{{GNISL|850379|Casey Springs}}
|[[Bowen Canyon]]
|[[Casey Springs]]
|[ 404249N 1192031W]
|[ 410010N 1190052W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 840800]
|{{GNISL|850383|Jackson Reservoir}}
|[[Great Boiling Spring Park (historical)]]
|[[Jackson Reservoir]]
|[ 403942N 1192158W]
|[ 410526N 1190458W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 845471]
|{{GNISL|850384|Bronco Springs}}
|[[Bronco Springs]]
|Populated Place
|[  403906N 1192119W]
|[ 410514N 1190651W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 846115]
|[[Granite Cove (historical)]]
|[ 404324N 1192046W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 846116]
|{{GNISL|856475|Hardin City}}
|[[Old Granite Creek Station (historical)]]
|[[Hardin City]]
|[ 404246N 1192016W]
|[ 410653N 1190009W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 847587]
|{{GNISL|857384|Van Riper Spring}}
|[[Gerlach Landing Strip (historical)]]
|[[Van Riper Spring]]
|[ 403920N 1192116W]
|[ 410151N 1190102W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 848191]
|{{GNISL|864649|Harveyville Post Office (historical)}}
|[[Gerlach High School]]
|[[Harveyville Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[ 403912N 1192114W]
|[ 410653N 1190009W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Double Hot Springs 1:24,000 Map | Double Hot Springs]]
|[ 852212]
|{{GNISL|850364|Arcturus Mine}}
|[[Granite Basin]]
|[[Arcturus Mine]]
|[ 404353N 1192153W]
|[ 404224N 1191348W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[ 856507]
|{{GNISL|856508|Old Razorback Mountain}}
|[[Ascalon (historical)]]
|[[Old Razorback Mountain]]
|[ 404125N 1191712W]
|[ 404433N 1190834W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[ 856518]
|{{GNISL|856509|Garrett Ranch}}
|[[Great Boiling Spring]]
|[[Garrett Ranch]]
|[ 403942N 1192158W]
|[ 404446N 1191014W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[ 856953]
|{{GNISL|857053|Garrett Ranch Well}}
|[[Hughes Well]]
|[[Garrett Ranch Well]]
|[ 403906N 1192119W]
|[ 404446N 1191015W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Dry Mountain NW 1:24,000 Map | Dry Mountain NW]]
|[ 863259]
|{{GNISL|839019|Bowen Canyon}}
|[[Gerlach and Waltz Ranch]]
|[[Bowen Canyon]]
|[ 403844N 1191858W]
|[ 404249N 1192031W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 864758]
|{{GNISL|840800|Great Boiling Spring Park (historical)}}
|[[Gerlach Post Office]]
|[[Great Boiling Spring Park (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[ 403908N 1192123W]
|[ 403942N 1192158W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 865160]
|[[KGLH-FM (Gerlach)]]
|Populated Place
|[ 403912N 1192115W]
|[ 403906N 1192119W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 2080104]
|{{GNISL|846115|Granite Cove (historical)}}
|[[Gerlach Middle School]]
|[[Granite Cove (historical)]]
|[ 403910N 1192120W]
|[ 404324N 1192046W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 2581227]
|{{GNISL|846116|Old Granite Creek Station (historical)}}
|[[Gerlach Volunteer Fire Department / Gerlach Ambulance Service]]
|[[Old Granite Creek Station (historical)]]
|[ 403911N 1192121W]
|[ 404246N 1192016W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 2583926]
|{{GNISL|847587|Gerlach Landing Strip (historical)}}
|[[Gerlach Census Designated Place]]
|[[Gerlach Landing Strip (historical)]]
|[ 403843N 1192141W]
|[ 403920N 1192116W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 2642881]
|{{GNISL|848191|Gerlach High School}}
|[[Gerlach Medical Center]]
|[[Gerlach High School]]
|[ 403909N 1192124W]
|[ 403912N 1192114W]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 838344]
|{{GNISL|852212|Granite Basin}}
|[[Granite Range]]
|[[Granite Basin]]
|[ 404429N 1192346W]
|[ 404353N 1192153W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 838912]
|{{GNISL|856507|Ascalon (historical)}}
|[[Bloody Point]]
|[[Ascalon (historical)]]
|[ 404245N 1192821W]
|[ 404125N 1191712W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 840667]
|{{GNISL|856518|Great Boiling Spring}}
|[[Godeys Gap]]
|[[Great Boiling Spring]]
|[ 403910N 1192349W]
|[ 403942N 1192158W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 840668]
|{{GNISL|856953|Hughes Well}}
|[[Godeys Rock]]
|[[Hughes Well]]
|[ 403759N 1192543W]
|[ 403906N 1192119W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 844678]
|{{GNISL|863259|Gerlach and Waltz Ranch}}
|[[Water Tunnels Mine]]
|[[Gerlach and Waltz Ranch]]
|[ 404434N 1192617W]
|[ 403844N 1191858W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 845488]
|{{GNISL|864758|Gerlach Post Office}}
|[[Granite Point]]
|[[Gerlach Post Office]]
|Post Office
|[ 403956N 1192255W]
|[ 403908N 1192123W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 846102]
|{{GNISL|865160|KGLH-FM (Gerlach)}}
|[[Deep Hole Spring]]
|[[KGLH-FM (Gerlach)]]
|[ 404316N 1192858W]
|[ 403912N 1192115W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 846117]
|{{GNISL|2080104|Gerlach Middle School}}
|[[Gerlach Spring]]
|[[Gerlach Middle School]]
|[ 404438N 1192614W]
|[ 403910N 1192120W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 846123]
|{{GNISL|2581227|Gerlach Volunteer Fire Department / Gerlach Ambulance Service}}
|[[Deep Hole]]
|[[Gerlach Volunteer Fire Department / Gerlach Ambulance Service]]
|Populated Place
|[ 404309N 1192900W]
|[ 403911N 1192121W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 846142]
|{{GNISL|2583926|Gerlach Census Designated Place}}
|[[Millers (historical)]]
|[[Gerlach Census Designated Place]]
|[ 404219N 1192944W]
|[ 403843N 1192141W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 854907]
|{{GNISL|2642881|Gerlach Medical Center}}
|[[Deephole Ranch]]
|[[Gerlach Medical Center]]
|[ 404309N 1192900W]
|[ 403909N 1192124W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Gerlach 1:24,000 Map | Gerlach]]
|[ 857521]
|{{GNISL|838344|Granite Range}}
|[[Lingenfelter Ranch]]
|[[Granite Range]]
|[ 404206N 1192614W]
|[ 404429N 1192346W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 858136]
|{{GNISL|838912|Bloody Point}}
|[[Bloody Point]]
|Populated Place
|[ 403834N 1192810W]
|[ 404245N 1192821W]
Line 1,035: Line 1,079:
|[ 864384]
|{{GNISL|840667|Godeys Gap}}
|[[Deep Hole Post Office]]
|[[Godeys Gap]]
|Post Office
|[ 404309N 1192900W]
|[ 403910N 1192349W]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 839879]
|{{GNISL|840668|Godeys Rock}}
|[[Crossley 99 Ranch]]
|[[Godeys Rock]]
|[ 405705N 1191824W]
|[ 403759N 1192543W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 841598]
|{{GNISL|844678|Water Tunnels Mine}}
|[[Leadville Canyon]]
|[[Water Tunnels Mine]]
|[ 405853N 1192032W]
|[ 404434N 1192617W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 847190]
|{{GNISL|845488|Granite Point}}
|[[Negro Creek]]
|[[Granite Point]]
|[ 405453N 1191852W]
|[ 403956N 1192255W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 850132]
|{{GNISL|846102|Deep Hole Spring}}
|[[Iveson Ranch]]
|[[Deep Hole Spring]]
|[ 405621N 1192148W]
|[ 404316N 1192858W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 852826]
|{{GNISL|846117|Gerlach Spring}}
|[[Hualipi (historical)]]
|[[Gerlach Spring]]
|Populated Place
|[ 405259N 1191826W]
|[ 404438N 1192614W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 857080]
|{{GNISL|846123|Deep Hole}}
|[[Bailey Well]]
|[[Deep Hole]]
|Populated Place
|[ 405629N 1191818W]
|[ 404309N 1192900W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 864382]
|{{GNISL|846142|Millers (historical)}}
|[[Hualipi Post Office (historical)]]
|[[Millers (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[ 405259N 1191826W]
|[ 404219N 1192944W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 838357]
|{{GNISL|854907|Deephole Ranch}}
|[[South Willow Creek]]
|[[Deephole Ranch]]
|[ 405023N 1191739W]
|[ 404309N 1192900W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 839750]
|{{GNISL|857521|Lingenfelter Ranch}}
|[[Cottonwood Creek]]
|[[Lingenfelter Ranch]]
|[ 405141N 1192017W]
|[ 404206N 1192614W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 840745]
|[[Granite Creek]]
|Populated Place
|[ 404741N 1191809W]
|[ 403834N 1192810W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 843270]
|{{GNISL|864384|Deep Hole Post Office}}
|[[Rock Creek]]
|[[Deep Hole Post Office]]
|Post Office
|[ 404756N 1191955W]
|[ 404309N 1192900W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Godeys Rock 1:24,000 Map | Godeys Rock]]
|[ 846141]
|{{GNISL|839879|Crossley 99 Ranch}}
|[[Wards (historical)]]
|[[Crossley 99 Ranch]]
|[ 404815N 1192011W]
|[ 405705N 1191824W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[ 847203]
|{{GNISL|841598|Leadville Canyon}}
|[[Red Mountain Creek]]
|[[Leadville Canyon]]
|[ 405045N 1191821W]
|[ 405853N 1192032W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[ 850009]
|{{GNISL|847190|Negro Creek}}
|[[Hualapai Flat]]
|[[Negro Creek]]
|[ 405228N 1191801W]
|[ 405453N 1191852W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[ 850010]
|{{GNISL|850132|Iveson Ranch}}
|[[Finley Butte]]
|[[Iveson Ranch]]
|[ 405139N 1191534W]
|[ 405621N 1192148W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[ 850011]
|{{GNISL|852826|Hualipi (historical)}}
|[[South Springs]]
|[[Hualipi (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[ 405114N 1191714W]
|[ 405259N 1191826W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[ 850012]
|{{GNISL|857080|Bailey Well}}
|[[Goose Springs]]
|[[Bailey Well]]
|[  405629N 1191818W]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|{{GNISL|864382|Hualipi Post Office (historical)}}
|[[Hualipi Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[ 405119N 1191812W]
|[ 405259N 1191826W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat North 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat North]]
|[ 850013]
|{{GNISL|838357|South Willow Creek}}
|[[The Geyser]]
|[[South Willow Creek]]
|[ 405141N 1191958W]
|[ 405023N 1191739W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 850014]
|{{GNISL|839750|Cottonwood Creek}}
|[[Barker Springs]]
|[[Cottonwood Creek]]
|[ 405115N 1192106W]
|[ 405141N 1192017W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 850015]
|{{GNISL|840745|Granite Creek}}
|[[Fly Ranch]]
|[[Granite Creek]]
|[ 404959N 1192008W]
|[ 404741N 1191809W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 850394]
|{{GNISL|843270|Rock Creek}}
|[[Barker Creek]]
|[[Rock Creek]]
|[ 405134N 1192035W]
|[ 404756N 1191955W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|{{GNISL|846141|Wards (historical)}}
|[[Wards (historical)]]
|[  404815N 1192011W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 850395]
|{{GNISL|847203|Red Mountain Creek}}
|[[Little Cottonwood Creek]]
|[[Red Mountain Creek]]
|[ 405053N 1191819W]
|[ 405045N 1191821W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|{{GNISL|850009|Hualapai Flat}}
|[[Hualapai Flat]]
|[  405228N 1191801W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 852827]
|{{GNISL|850010|Finley Butte}}
|[[Hot Springs (historical)]]
|[[Finley Butte]]
|Populated Place
|[ 405138N 1191959W]
|[ 405139N 1191534W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 855317]
|{{GNISL|850011|South Springs}}
|[[Barker (historical)]]
|[[South Springs]]
|[ 405210N 1192027W]
|[ 405114N 1191714W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 856462]
|{{GNISL|850012|Goose Springs}}
|[[Granite Creek Ranch]]
|[[Goose Springs]]
|[ 404744N 1192015W]
|[ 405119N 1191812W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 856510]
|{{GNISL|850013|The Geyser}}
|[[Bar W Ranch]]
|[[The Geyser]]
|[ 405205N 1191734W]
|[ 405141N 1191958W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 857047]
|{{GNISL|850014|Barker Springs}}
|[[Cottonwood Springs]]
|[[Barker Springs]]
|[ 405140N 1191930W]
|[ 405115N 1192106W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 857083]
|{{GNISL|850015|Fly Ranch}}
|[[John Casey Steam Well]]
|[[Fly Ranch]]
|[ 405134N 1191956W]
|[ 404959N 1192008W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 857084]
|{{GNISL|850394|Barker Creek}}
|[[Wards Hot Spring]]
|[[Barker Creek]]
|[  405131N 1191931W]
|[ 405134N 1192035W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 858284]
|[[Fly Reservoir]]
|[ 405145N 1192008W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 858590]
|{{GNISL|850395|Little Cottonwood Creek}}
|[[The Geyser Well]]
|[[Little Cottonwood Creek]]
|[ 405128N 1191937W]
|[ 405053N 1191819W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 863398]
|{{GNISL|852827|Hot Springs (historical)}}
|[[Fly Reservoir Dam]]
|[[Hot Springs (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[  405148N 1192010W]
|[  405138N 1191959W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 864777]
|[[Hot Springs Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[  405138N 1191959W]
Line 1,409: Line 1,464:
|[ 838683]
|{{GNISL|855317|Barker (historical)}}
|[[Bell Spring]]
|[[Barker (historical)]]
|[ 410625N 1192753W]
|[ 405210N 1192027W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 839136]
|{{GNISL|856462|Granite Creek Ranch}}
|[[Buckhorn Peak]]
|[[Granite Creek Ranch]]
|[ 410352N 1192504W]
|[ 404744N 1192015W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 839471]
|{{GNISL|856510|Bar W Ranch}}
|[[Chicken Spring]]
|[[Bar W Ranch]]
|[  405205N 1191734W]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|{{GNISL|857047|Cottonwood Springs}}
|[[Cottonwood Springs]]
|[ 410608N 1192318W]
|[ 405140N 1191930W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 841022]
|{{GNISL|857083|John Casey Steam Well}}
|[[Hog Ranch Mountain]]
|[[John Casey Steam Well]]
|[ 410637N 1192553W]
|[ 405134N 1191956W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 841597]
|{{GNISL|857084|Wards Hot Spring}}
|[[Wards Hot Spring]]
|[  410548N 1192420W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 843676]
|[[Shovel Spring]]
|[ 410322N 1192746W]
|[ 405131N 1191931W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 843677]
|{{GNISL|858284|Fly Reservoir}}
|[[Shovel Spring Canyon]]
|[[Fly Reservoir]]
|[ 410156N 1192733W]
|[ 405145N 1192008W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 844638]
|{{GNISL|858590|The Geyser Well}}
|[[Warm Spring]]
|[[The Geyser Well]]
|[ 410223N 1192811W]
|[ 405128N 1191937W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 844641]
|{{GNISL|863398|Fly Reservoir Dam}}
|[[Warm Spring Canyon]]
|[[Fly Reservoir Dam]]
|[ 410207N 1192748W]
|[ 405148N 1192010W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 845309]
|{{GNISL|864777|Hot Springs Post Office (historical)}}
|[[Heward Troughs]]
|[[Hot Springs Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[ 410451N 1192507W]
|[ 405138N 1191959W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Hualapai Flat South 1:24,000 Map | Hualapai Flat South]]
|[ 845314]
|{{GNISL|838683|Bell Spring}}
|[[Leadville Troughs]]
|[[Bell Spring]]
|[ 410544N 1192621W]
|[ 410625N 1192753W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 845531]
|{{GNISL|839136|Buckhorn Peak}}
|[[Leadville Mountain]]
|[[Buckhorn Peak]]
|[ 410521N 1192531W]
|[ 410352N 1192504W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 846096]
|{{GNISL|839471|Chicken Spring}}
|[[Hog Ranch Mountains]]
|[[Chicken Spring]]
|[ 410356N 1192504W]
|[ 410608N 1192318W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 846468]
|{{GNISL|841022|Hog Ranch Mountain}}
|[[Buckhorn Spring]]
|[[Hog Ranch Mountain]]
|[ 410450N 1192505W]
|[ 410637N 1192553W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 846471]
|[[Leadville Mine]]
|[ 410549N 1192421W]
|[ 410548N 1192420W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 847546]
|{{GNISL|843676|Shovel Spring}}
|[[White Rock Spring]]
|[[Shovel Spring]]
|[ 410131N 1192907W]
|[ 410322N 1192746W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 855352]
|{{GNISL|843677|Shovel Spring Canyon}}
|[[Leadville Mining District]]
|[[Shovel Spring Canyon]]
|[ 410547N 1192427W]
|[ 410156N 1192733W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 855584]
|{{GNISL|844638|Warm Spring}}
|[[Tohoqua Mine]]
|[[Warm Spring]]
|[  410547N 1192426W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 857074]
|[[Leadville Springs]]
|[ 410544N 1192619W]
|[ 410223N 1192811W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 849844]
|{{GNISL|844641|Warm Spring Canyon}}
|[[Copper Canyon]]
|[[Warm Spring Canyon]]
|[ 405923N 1191423W]
|[ 410207N 1192748W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 850365]
|{{GNISL|845309|Heward Troughs}}
|[[Whiskey Spring]]
|[[Heward Troughs]]
|[ 405858N 1190756W]
|[ 410451N 1192507W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 850366]
|{{GNISL|845314|Leadville Troughs}}
|[[Barrel Spring]]
|[[Leadville Troughs]]
|[ 405837N 1190746W]
|[ 410544N 1192621W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 850367]
|{{GNISL|845531|Leadville Mountain}}
|[[Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville Mountain]]
|[ 405810N 1191005W]
|[ 410521N 1192531W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 850368]
|{{GNISL|846096|Hog Ranch Mountains}}
|[[Mormon Dan Canyon]]
|[[Hog Ranch Mountains]]
|[ 405754N 1191042W]
|[ 410356N 1192504W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 850369]
|{{GNISL|846468|Buckhorn Spring}}
|[[Mormon Dan Spring]]
|[[Buckhorn Spring]]
|[ 405829N 1191220W]
|[  410450N 1192505W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|{{GNISL|846471|Leadville Mine}}
|[[Leadville Mine]]
|[ 410549N 1192421W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|{{GNISL|847546|White Rock Spring}}
|[[White Rock Spring]]
|[  410131N 1192907W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|[ 846080]
|{{GNISL|855352|Leadville Mining District}}
|[[Burnt Rock Peak]]
|[[Leadville Mining District]]
|[  410029N 1185858W]
|[  410547N 1192427W]
|[[Pidgeon Spring SW 1:24,000 Map | Pidgeon Spring SW]]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|{{GNISL|855584|Tohoqua Mine}}
|[[Tohoqua Mine]]
|[  410547N 1192426W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|{{GNISL|857074|Leadville Springs}}
|[[Leadville Springs]]
|[  410544N 1192619W]
|[[Leadville 1:24,000 Map | Leadville]]
|{{GNISL|849844|Copper Canyon}}
|[[Copper Canyon]]
|[  405923N 1191423W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|{{GNISL|850365|Whiskey Spring}}
|[[Whiskey Spring]]
|[  405858N 1190756W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|{{GNISL|850366|Barrel Spring}}
|[[Barrel Spring]]
|[  405837N 1190746W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|{{GNISL|850367|Mormon Dan Peak}}
|[[Mormon Dan Peak]]
|[  405810N 1191005W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|{{GNISL|850368|Mormon Dan Canyon}}
|[[Mormon Dan Canyon]]
|[  405754N 1191042W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|{{GNISL|850369|Mormon Dan Spring}}
|[[Mormon Dan Spring]]
|[  405829N 1191220W]
|[[Mormon Dan Peak 1:24,000 Map | Mormon Dan Peak]]
|{{GNISL|846080|Burnt Rock Peak}}
|[[Burnt Rock Peak]]
|[  410029N 1185858W]
|[[Pidgeon Spring SW 1:24,000 Map | Pidgeon Spring SW]]
|{{GNISL|846221|Darby Mill (historical)}}
|[[Darby Mill (historical)]]
|[  402715N 1184553W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|846226|Michigan Mine}}
|[[Michigan Mine]]
|[  402916N 1184624W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|[ 846110]
|{{GNISL|848575|Long Canyon}}
|[[Long Canyon]]
|[  402703N 1185232W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|848620|Porter Spring}}
|[[Porter Spring]]
|[  402458N 1185155W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|848644|Seven Troughs Range}}
|[[Seven Troughs Range]]
|[  402745N 1184904W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850170|Tunnel Camp (historical)}}
|[[Tunnel Camp (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[  402638N 1184618W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850171|Fairview Mine}}
|[[Fairview Mine]]
|[  402645N 1184743W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850172|Portland Mine}}
|[[Portland Mine]]
|[  402551N 1184727W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850177|Bach Well}}
|[[Bach Well]]
|[  402435N 1184605W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850256|Wild Horse Canyon}}
|[[Wild Horse Canyon]]
|[  402955N 1184808W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850471|Willow Spring}}
|[[Willow Spring]]
|[  402842N 1184810W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850472|Seven Troughs Mountain}}
|[[Seven Troughs Mountain]]
|[  402809N 1184909W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850473|Signal Peak}}
|[[Signal Peak]]
|[  402744N 1184745W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|850474|Mazuma (historical)}}
|[[Mazuma (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[  402718N 1184550W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852963|Friedmans Mill (historical)}}
|[[Friedmans Mill (historical)]]
|[  402641N 1184625W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852964|The Causten Mill (historical)}}
|[[The Causten Mill (historical)]]
|[  402638N 1184621W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852965|Preston Mill (historical)}}
|[[Preston Mill (historical)]]
|[  402740N 1184614W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852966|Coalition Cyanide Mill (historical)}}
|[[Coalition Cyanide Mill (historical)]]
|[  402752N 1184646W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852967|Seven Troughs Kingergarten Mill (historical)}}
|[[Seven Troughs Kingergarten Mill (historical)]]
|[  402759N 1184708W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852968|Mazuma Hills Mill (historical)}}
|[[Mazuma Hills Mill (historical)]]
|[  402731N 1184558W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|852969|The Rogers Mill (historical)}}
|[[The Rogers Mill (historical)]]
|[  402435N 1184605W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|853985|Sure Thing Mine}}
|[[Sure Thing Mine]]
|[  402751N 1184711W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|853986|Holiday Mine}}
|[[Holiday Mine]]
|[  402545N 1184728W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|853987|Vernon Mine}}
|[[Vernon Mine]]
|[  402557N 1184739W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|853988|Womens Right Group Mine}}
|[[Womens Right Group Mine]]
|[  402609N 1184754W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|853989|Sugar Loaf Mine}}
|[[Sugar Loaf Mine]]
|[  402416N 1185037W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|854000|Seven Troughs Mining District}}
|[[Seven Troughs Mining District]]
|[  402957N 1184923W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|854616|Seven Troughs Canyon}}
|[[Seven Troughs Canyon]]
|[  402721N 1184540W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|856135|Seven Troughs (historical)}}
|[[Seven Troughs (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[  402745N 1184904W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|856164|Vernon (historical)}}
|[[Vernon (historical)]]
|Populated Place
|[  402534N 1184723W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|858454|Seven Troughs Gold Mines Company Mines}}
|[[Seven Troughs Gold Mines Company Mines]]
|[  402745N 1184904W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|858628|Kindergarten-Therian Group Mine}}
|[[Kindergarten-Therian Group Mine]]
|[  402750N 1184708W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|863806|Friedman Tunnel Portal}}
|[[Friedman Tunnel Portal]]
|[  402641N 1184625W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|864669|Seven Troughs Post Office (historical)}}
|[[Seven Troughs Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[  402745N 1184904W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|864670|Mazuma Post Office}}
|[[Mazuma Post Office]]
|Post Office
|[  402718N 1184550W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|864671|Vernon Post Office (historical)}}
|[[Vernon Post Office (historical)]]
|Post Office
|[  402534N 1184723W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|864828|J and B Group Mine}}
|[[J and B Group Mine]]
|[  402841N 1184611W]
|[[Seven Troughs 1:24,000 Map | Seven Troughs]]
|{{GNISL|846110|Steamboat Mountain}}
|[[Steamboat Mountain]]
|[[Steamboat Mountain]]
Line 1,706: Line 2,278:
|[ 850344]
|{{GNISL|850344|Lost Spring}}
|[[Lost Spring]]
|[[Lost Spring]]
Line 1,717: Line 2,289:
|[ 850345]
|{{GNISL|850345|Cassidy Mine}}
|[[Cassidy Mine]]
|[[Cassidy Mine]]
Line 1,728: Line 2,300:
|[ 850346]
|{{GNISL|850346|Secondhand Spring}}
|[[Secondhand Spring]]
|[[Secondhand Spring]]
Line 1,739: Line 2,311:
|[ 850347]
|{{GNISL|850347|Coyote Spring}}
|[[Coyote Spring]]
|[[Coyote Spring]]
Line 1,750: Line 2,322:
|[ 856411]
|Populated Place
|Populated Place
Line 1,761: Line 2,333:
|[ 2717350]
|{{GNISL|2717350|Black Rock City Airport}}
|[[Black Rock City Airport]]
|[[Black Rock City Airport]]
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|[ 841156]
|{{GNISL|841156|Hot Springs}}
|[[Hot Springs]]
|[[Hot Springs]]
Line 1,783: Line 2,355:
|[ 858286]
|{{GNISL|858286|Trego Hot Springs}}
|[[Trego Hot Springs]]
|[[Trego Hot Springs]]
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Latest revision as of 19:26, 28 December 2021

Below is a table of GNIS names by quadrangle.

id name class county lat/lon elev m elev_ft map created edited
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Summit Spring Summit Spring Spring Washoe 404636N 1192450W 2472 8110 The Banjo 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Wagon Tire Pass Wagon Tire Pass Gap Washoe 405206N 1192855W 2076 6811 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Homestead The Homestead Locale Washoe 405127N 1192717W 1953 6407 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Miller Basin Miller Basin Basin Washoe 404948N 1192721W 2060 6758 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Banjo The Banjo Summit Washoe 405003N 1192554W 2430 7972 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Orchard The Orchard Locale Washoe 404845N 1192939W 1414 4639 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Skull Meadow Skull Meadow Flat Washoe 404814N 1192459W 2358 7736 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Creek Meadow Granite Creek Meadow Flat Washoe 404808N 1192416W 2248 7375 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Clear Creek Meadow Clear Creek Meadow Flat Washoe 404744N 1192538W 2474 8117 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Tank The Tank Flat Washoe 404608N 1192400W 2319 7608 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Garden Springs Garden Springs Spring Washoe 404654N 1192743W 1459 4787 The Banjo 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Clear Creek Ranch Clear Creek Ranch Locale Washoe 404716N 1192957W 1288 4226 The Banjo 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Heward Reservoir Heward Reservoir Reservoir Washoe 405226N 1192754W 1950 6398 The Banjo 02/01/1990 06/23/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Peak Granite Peak Summit Washoe 404722N 1192550W 2725 8940 The Banjo 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Deephole Mining District Deephole Mining District Civil Washoe 405156N 1192601W 1837 6027 The Banjo 07/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Rocky Peak Rocky Peak Summit Humboldt 405958N 1185849W 1501 4924 Black Rock Point East 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Jackson Creek Slough Jackson Creek Slough Stream Pershing 405635N 1185307W 1193 3914 Black Rock Point East 08/30/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Black Rock Point Black Rock Point Cliff Humboldt 405821N 1190006W 1342 4403 Black Rock Point West 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Black Rock Springs Black Rock Springs Spring Humboldt 405827N 1190029W 1206 3957 Black Rock Point West 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Black Rock Desert Black Rock Desert Basin Pershing 405439N 1190322W 1191 3907 Black Rock Point West 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Quinn River Quinn River Stream Pershing 405259N 1190350W 1191 3907 Black Rock Point West 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cholona Siding Cholona Siding Locale Pershing 404926N 1185845W 1221 4006 Cholona 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hot Springs Station Hot Springs Station Locale Pershing 404637N 1185348W 1313 4308 Cholona 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Pahsupp Mountain Pahsupp Mountain Summit Pershing 404638N 1185935W 1442 4731 Cholona 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Lava Beds Creek Lava Beds Creek Stream Pershing 404705N 1185758W 1280 4199 Cholona 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cholona Cholona Locale Pershing 404930N 1185853W 1220 4003 Cholona 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Donnelly Flat Donnelly Flat Flat Humboldt 410631N 1191741W 1831 6007 Division Peak 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Donnelly Spring Donnelly Spring Spring Humboldt 410605N 1191509W 2311 7582 Division Peak 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: McCarty Spring McCarty Spring Spring Humboldt 410650N 1191621W 1957 6421 Division Peak 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Razor Canyon Razor Canyon Valley Washoe 410353N 1192210W 1547 5075 Division Peak 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Sheep Peaks Sheep Peaks Summit Humboldt 410657N 1191944W 2136 7008 Division Peak 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Division Range Division Range Range Humboldt 410700N 1191945W 2148 7047 Division Peak 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: King Spring King Spring Spring Humboldt 410118N 1191644W 1454 4770 Division Peak 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Ladden Cone Ladden Cone Summit Humboldt 410657N 1191948W 2138 7014 Division Peak 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mount Observation Mount Observation Summit Washoe 410245N 1192137W 1587 5207 Division Peak 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Pipeline Spring Pipeline Spring Spring Humboldt 410518N 1191524W 2280 7480 Division Peak 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Donnelly Mining District Donnelly Mining District Civil Humboldt 410553N 1191513W 2351 7713 Division Peak 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Raiser City (historical) Raiser City (historical) Populated Place Humboldt 410654N 1191628W 1931 6335 Division Peak 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Division Peak Division Peak Summit Humboldt 410610N 1191939W 2194 7198 Division Peak 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cane Springs (Division Peak) Cane Springs (Division Peak) Spring Humboldt 410115N 1191631W 1444 4737 Division Peak 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Barley Road Barley Road Trail Humboldt 410330N 1191836W 1658 5440 Division Peak 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Donnelly Peak Donnelly Peak Summit Humboldt 410552N 1191544W 2597 8520 Division Peak 08/30/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Creek Post Office (historical) Granite Creek Post Office (historical) Post Office Humboldt 410654N 1191628W 1931 6335 Division Peak 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Sheep Spring Sheep Spring Spring Humboldt 410520N 1190930W 1319 4327 Donnelly Creek 11/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Finley Ranch Finley Ranch Locale Humboldt 410532N 1190947W 1330 4363 Donnelly Creek 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Buck Springs Buck Springs Spring Humboldt 410501N 1191224W 1801 5909 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: North Fork Cow Creek North Fork Cow Creek Stream Humboldt 410426N 1191018W 1428 4685 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: South Fork Cow Creek South Fork Cow Creek Stream Humboldt 410426N 1191018W 1428 4685 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Stream Humboldt 410301N 1190746W 1216 3989 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Morley Place Morley Place Locale Humboldt 410300N 1190925W 1336 4383 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Petrified Canyon Petrified Canyon Valley Humboldt 410157N 1190941W 1342 4403 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: South Donnelly Peak South Donnelly Peak Summit Humboldt 410201N 1191334W 2347 7700 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Government Spring Government Spring Spring Humboldt 410119N 1191001W 1376 4514 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Jackson Ranch Jackson Ranch Locale Humboldt 410105N 1190752W 1197 3927 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Burro Spring Burro Spring Spring Humboldt 410055N 1191017W 1366 4482 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Copper Spring Copper Spring Spring Humboldt 410014N 1191335W 1743 5718 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Jackass Flats Jackass Flats Flat Humboldt 410516N 1190851W 1262 4140 Donnelly Creek 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: States Ranch States Ranch Locale Humboldt 410658N 1190736W 1219 3999 Donnelly Creek 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Soldier Meadow Number 2 Airport Soldier Meadow Number 2 Airport Airport Humboldt 410719N 1190814W 1235 4052 Donnelly Creek 09/01/1989 08/12/2014
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Calico Mountains Wilderness Calico Mountains Wilderness Reserve Humboldt 410110N 1191332W 2113 6932 Donnelly Creek 02/20/2004 09/16/2015
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Clapper Creek Clapper Creek Stream Humboldt 410532N 1190237W 1196 3924 Double Hot Springs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Donnelly Creek Donnelly Creek Stream Humboldt 410511N 1190555W 1196 3924 Double Hot Springs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Double Hot Springs Double Hot Springs Spring Humboldt 410305N 1190144W 1208 3963 Double Hot Springs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Vogel Weiss Ranch Vogel Weiss Ranch Locale Humboldt 410445N 1190619W 1196 3924 Double Hot Springs 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mud Meadow Creek Mud Meadow Creek Stream Humboldt 410056N 1190519W 1191 3907 Double Hot Springs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Wheeler Ranch Wheeler Ranch Locale Humboldt 410653N 1190728W 1217 3993 Double Hot Springs 03/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cow Creek Cow Creek Stream Humboldt 410322N 1190650W 1196 3924 Double Hot Springs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Casey Springs Casey Springs Spring Humboldt 410010N 1190052W 1208 3963 Double Hot Springs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Jackson Reservoir Jackson Reservoir Reservoir Humboldt 410526N 1190458W 1197 3927 Double Hot Springs 02/01/1990 06/23/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bronco Springs Bronco Springs Spring Humboldt 410514N 1190651W 1206 3957 Double Hot Springs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hardin City Hardin City Locale Humboldt 410653N 1190009W 1213 3980 Double Hot Springs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Van Riper Spring Van Riper Spring Spring Humboldt 410151N 1190102W 1211 3973 Double Hot Springs 10/01/1991 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Harveyville Post Office (historical) Harveyville Post Office (historical) Post Office Humboldt 410653N 1190009W 1213 3980 Double Hot Springs 02/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Arcturus Mine Arcturus Mine Mine Pershing 404224N 1191348W 1343 4406 Dry Mountain NW 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Old Razorback Mountain Old Razorback Mountain Summit Pershing 404433N 1190834W 1675 5495 Dry Mountain NW 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Garrett Ranch Garrett Ranch Locale Pershing 404446N 1191014W 1200 3937 Dry Mountain NW 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Garrett Ranch Well Garrett Ranch Well Well Pershing 404446N 1191015W 1200 3937 Dry Mountain NW 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bowen Canyon Bowen Canyon Valley Washoe 404249N 1192031W 1200 3937 Gerlach 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Great Boiling Spring Park (historical) Great Boiling Spring Park (historical) Park Washoe 403942N 1192158W 1208 3963 Gerlach 12/12/1980 05/16/2014
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Gerlach Populated Place Washoe 403906N 1192119W 1202 3944 Gerlach 12/12/1980 01/29/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Cove (historical) Granite Cove (historical) Locale Washoe 404324N 1192046W 1241 4071 Gerlach 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Old Granite Creek Station (historical) Old Granite Creek Station (historical) Locale Washoe 404246N 1192016W 1195 3921 Gerlach 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Landing Strip (historical) Gerlach Landing Strip (historical) Airport Washoe 403920N 1192116W 1203 3947 Gerlach 12/01/1990 08/29/2014
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach High School Gerlach High School School Washoe 403912N 1192114W 1201 3940 Gerlach 01/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Basin Granite Basin Basin Washoe 404353N 1192153W 1490 4888 Gerlach 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Ascalon (historical) Ascalon (historical) Locale Pershing 404125N 1191712W 1193 3914 Gerlach 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Great Boiling Spring Great Boiling Spring Spring Washoe 403942N 1192158W 1208 3963 Gerlach 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hughes Well Hughes Well Well Washoe 403906N 1192119W 1202 3944 Gerlach 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach and Waltz Ranch Gerlach and Waltz Ranch Locale Washoe 403844N 1191858W 1209 3966 Gerlach 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Post Office Gerlach Post Office Post Office Washoe 403908N 1192123W 1204 3950 Gerlach 03/01/1991 05/28/2013
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: KGLH-FM (Gerlach) KGLH-FM (Gerlach) Tower Washoe 403912N 1192115W 1201 3940 Gerlach 08/01/1994
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Middle School Gerlach Middle School School Washoe 403910N 1192120W 1204 3950 Gerlach 12/05/2005
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Volunteer Fire Department / Gerlach Ambulance Service Gerlach Volunteer Fire Department / Gerlach Ambulance Service Building Washoe 403911N 1192121W 1204 3950 Gerlach 06/21/2010
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Census Designated Place Gerlach Census Designated Place Census Washoe 403843N 1192141W 1195 3921 Gerlach 03/31/2010 08/19/2015
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Medical Center Gerlach Medical Center Hospital Washoe 403909N 1192124W 1204 3950 Gerlach 12/20/2010
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Range Granite Range Range Washoe 404429N 1192346W 2365 7759 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bloody Point Bloody Point Ridge Washoe 404245N 1192821W 1193 3914 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Godeys Gap Godeys Gap Gap Washoe 403910N 1192349W 1234 4049 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Godeys Rock Godeys Rock Summit Washoe 403759N 1192543W 1407 4616 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Water Tunnels Mine Water Tunnels Mine Mine Washoe 404434N 1192617W 1465 4806 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Point Granite Point Summit Washoe 403956N 1192255W 1468 4816 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Deep Hole Spring Deep Hole Spring Spring Washoe 404316N 1192858W 1199 3934 Godeys Rock 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Gerlach Spring Gerlach Spring Spring Washoe 404438N 1192614W 1504 4934 Godeys Rock 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Deep Hole Deep Hole Populated Place Washoe 404309N 1192900W 1197 3927 Godeys Rock 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Millers (historical) Millers (historical) Locale Washoe 404219N 1192944W 1189 3901 Godeys Rock 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Deephole Ranch Deephole Ranch Locale Washoe 404309N 1192900W 1197 3927 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Lingenfelter Ranch Lingenfelter Ranch Locale Washoe 404206N 1192614W 1190 3904 Godeys Rock 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Phil Phil Populated Place Washoe 403834N 1192810W 1193 3914 Godeys Rock 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Deep Hole Post Office Deep Hole Post Office Post Office Washoe 404309N 1192900W 1197 3927 Godeys Rock 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Crossley 99 Ranch Crossley 99 Ranch Locale Pershing 405705N 1191824W 1252 4108 Hualapai Flat North 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Canyon Leadville Canyon Valley Washoe 405853N 1192032W 1292 4239 Hualapai Flat North 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Negro Creek Negro Creek Stream Washoe 405453N 1191852W 1237 4058 Hualapai Flat North 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Iveson Ranch Iveson Ranch Locale Washoe 405621N 1192148W 1278 4193 Hualapai Flat North 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hualipi (historical) Hualipi (historical) Populated Place Pershing 405259N 1191826W 1223 4012 Hualapai Flat North 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bailey Well Bailey Well Well Pershing 405629N 1191818W 1245 4085 Hualapai Flat North 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hualipi Post Office (historical) Hualipi Post Office (historical) Post Office Pershing 405259N 1191826W 1223 4012 Hualapai Flat North 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: South Willow Creek South Willow Creek Stream Washoe 405023N 1191739W 1206 3957 Hualapai Flat South 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Stream Washoe 405141N 1192017W 1223 4012 Hualapai Flat South 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Creek Granite Creek Stream Washoe 404741N 1191809W 1208 3963 Hualapai Flat South 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Rock Creek Rock Creek Stream Washoe 404756N 1191955W 1219 3999 Hualapai Flat South 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Wards (historical) Wards (historical) Locale Washoe 404815N 1192011W 1226 4022 Hualapai Flat South 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Red Mountain Creek Red Mountain Creek Stream Pershing 405045N 1191821W 1205 3953 Hualapai Flat South 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hualapai Flat Hualapai Flat Flat Pershing 405228N 1191801W 1217 3993 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Finley Butte Finley Butte Summit Pershing 405139N 1191534W 1251 4104 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: South Springs South Springs Spring Pershing 405114N 1191714W 1209 3966 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Goose Springs Goose Springs Spring Pershing 405119N 1191812W 1208 3963 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Geyser The Geyser Spring Washoe 405141N 1191958W 1225 4019 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Barker Springs Barker Springs Spring Washoe 405115N 1192106W 1261 4137 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Fly Ranch Fly Ranch Locale Washoe 404959N 1192008W 1222 4009 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Barker Creek Barker Creek Stream Washoe 405134N 1192035W 1229 4032 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Little Cottonwood Creek Little Cottonwood Creek Stream Pershing 405053N 1191819W 1205 3953 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hot Springs (historical) Hot Springs (historical) Populated Place Washoe 405138N 1191959W 1224 4016 Hualapai Flat South 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Barker (historical) Barker (historical) Locale Washoe 405210N 1192027W 1227 4026 Hualapai Flat South 07/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Granite Creek Ranch Granite Creek Ranch Locale Washoe 404744N 1192015W 1226 4022 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bar W Ranch Bar W Ranch Locale Pershing 405205N 1191734W 1213 3980 Hualapai Flat South 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cottonwood Springs Cottonwood Springs Spring Washoe 405140N 1191930W 1223 4012 Hualapai Flat South 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: John Casey Steam Well John Casey Steam Well Well Washoe 405134N 1191956W 1224 4016 Hualapai Flat South 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Wards Hot Spring Wards Hot Spring Spring Washoe 405131N 1191931W 1220 4003 Hualapai Flat South 10/01/1991 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Fly Reservoir Fly Reservoir Reservoir Washoe 405145N 1192008W 1223 4012 Hualapai Flat South 02/01/1990 06/23/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Geyser Well The Geyser Well Well Washoe 405128N 1191937W 1219 3999 Hualapai Flat South 10/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Fly Reservoir Dam Fly Reservoir Dam Dam Washoe 405148N 1192010W 1223 4012 Hualapai Flat South 11/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hot Springs Post Office (historical) Hot Springs Post Office (historical) Post Office Washoe 405138N 1191959W 1224 4016 Hualapai Flat South 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bell Spring Bell Spring Spring Washoe 410625N 1192753W 1986 6516 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Buckhorn Peak Buckhorn Peak Summit Washoe 410352N 1192504W 2209 7247 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Chicken Spring Chicken Spring Spring Washoe 410608N 1192318W 1793 5882 Leadville 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hog Ranch Mountain Hog Ranch Mountain Summit Washoe 410637N 1192553W 2332 7651 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Leadville Locale Washoe 410548N 1192420W 1868 6129 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Shovel Spring Shovel Spring Spring Washoe 410322N 1192746W 1812 5945 Leadville 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Shovel Spring Canyon Shovel Spring Canyon Valley Washoe 410156N 1192733W 1688 5538 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Warm Spring Warm Spring Spring Washoe 410223N 1192811W 1788 5866 Leadville 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Warm Spring Canyon Warm Spring Canyon Valley Washoe 410207N 1192748W 1711 5613 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Heward Troughs Heward Troughs Spring Washoe 410451N 1192507W 2057 6749 Leadville 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Troughs Leadville Troughs Reservoir Washoe 410544N 1192621W 2060 6758 Leadville 12/12/1980 06/23/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Mountain Leadville Mountain Summit Washoe 410521N 1192531W 2198 7211 Leadville 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hog Ranch Mountains Hog Ranch Mountains Range Washoe 410356N 1192504W 2222 7290 Leadville 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Buckhorn Spring Buckhorn Spring Spring Washoe 410450N 1192505W 2037 6683 Leadville 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Mine Leadville Mine Mine Washoe 410549N 1192421W 1884 6181 Leadville 11/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: White Rock Spring White Rock Spring Spring Washoe 410131N 1192907W 1850 6069 Leadville 12/12/1980 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Mining District Leadville Mining District Civil Washoe 410547N 1192427W 1904 6247 Leadville 07/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Tohoqua Mine Tohoqua Mine Mine Washoe 410547N 1192426W 1898 6227 Leadville 07/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Leadville Springs Leadville Springs Spring Washoe 410544N 1192619W 2067 6781 Leadville 10/01/1991 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Copper Canyon Copper Canyon Valley Humboldt 405923N 1191423W 1525 5003 Mormon Dan Peak 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Whiskey Spring Whiskey Spring Spring Humboldt 405858N 1190756W 1198 3930 Mormon Dan Peak 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Barrel Spring Barrel Spring Spring Humboldt 405837N 1190746W 1196 3924 Mormon Dan Peak 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mormon Dan Peak Mormon Dan Peak Summit Humboldt 405810N 1191005W 1518 4980 Mormon Dan Peak 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mormon Dan Canyon Mormon Dan Canyon Valley Humboldt 405754N 1191042W 1282 4206 Mormon Dan Peak 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mormon Dan Spring Mormon Dan Spring Spring Humboldt 405829N 1191220W 1675 5495 Mormon Dan Peak 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Burnt Rock Peak Burnt Rock Peak Summit Humboldt 410029N 1185858W 1595 5233 Pidgeon Spring SW 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Darby Mill (historical) Darby Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402715N 1184553W 1486 4875 Seven Troughs 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Michigan Mine Michigan Mine Mine Pershing 402916N 1184624W 1677 5502 Seven Troughs 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Long Canyon Long Canyon Valley Pershing 402703N 1185232W 1451 4760 Seven Troughs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Porter Spring Porter Spring Spring Pershing 402458N 1185155W 1366 4482 Seven Troughs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Range Seven Troughs Range Range Pershing 402745N 1184904W 2183 7162 Seven Troughs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Tunnel Camp (historical) Tunnel Camp (historical) Populated Place Pershing 402638N 1184618W 1447 4747 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Fairview Mine Fairview Mine Mine Pershing 402645N 1184743W 1583 5194 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Portland Mine Portland Mine Mine Pershing 402551N 1184727W 1457 4780 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Bach Well Bach Well Well Pershing 402435N 1184605W 1310 4298 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Wild Horse Canyon Wild Horse Canyon Valley Pershing 402955N 1184808W 1949 6394 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Willow Spring Willow Spring Spring Pershing 402842N 1184810W 1730 5676 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Mountain Seven Troughs Mountain Summit Pershing 402809N 1184909W 2268 7441 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Signal Peak Signal Peak Summit Pershing 402744N 1184745W 1895 6217 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mazuma (historical) Mazuma (historical) Populated Place Pershing 402718N 1184550W 1477 4846 Seven Troughs 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Friedmans Mill (historical) Friedmans Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402641N 1184625W 1464 4803 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Causten Mill (historical) The Causten Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402638N 1184621W 1456 4777 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Preston Mill (historical) Preston Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402740N 1184614W 1522 4993 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Coalition Cyanide Mill (historical) Coalition Cyanide Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402752N 1184646W 1579 5180 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Kingergarten Mill (historical) Seven Troughs Kingergarten Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402759N 1184708W 1606 5269 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mazuma Hills Mill (historical) Mazuma Hills Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402731N 1184558W 1490 4888 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: The Rogers Mill (historical) The Rogers Mill (historical) Locale Pershing 402435N 1184605W 1310 4298 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Sure Thing Mine Sure Thing Mine Mine Pershing 402751N 1184711W 1652 5420 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Holiday Mine Holiday Mine Mine Pershing 402545N 1184728W 1433 4701 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Vernon Mine Vernon Mine Mine Pershing 402557N 1184739W 1488 4882 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Womens Right Group Mine Womens Right Group Mine Mine Pershing 402609N 1184754W 1530 5020 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Sugar Loaf Mine Sugar Loaf Mine Mine Pershing 402416N 1185037W 1507 4944 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Mining District Seven Troughs Mining District Civil Pershing 402957N 1184923W 1913 6276 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Canyon Seven Troughs Canyon Valley Pershing 402721N 1184540W 1462 4797 Seven Troughs 08/30/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs (historical) Seven Troughs (historical) Populated Place Pershing 402745N 1184904W 2183 7162 Seven Troughs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Vernon (historical) Vernon (historical) Populated Place Pershing 402534N 1184723W 1416 4646 Seven Troughs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Gold Mines Company Mines Seven Troughs Gold Mines Company Mines Mine Pershing 402745N 1184904W 2183 7162 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Kindergarten-Therian Group Mine Kindergarten-Therian Group Mine Mine Pershing 402750N 1184708W 1688 5538 Seven Troughs 06/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Friedman Tunnel Portal Friedman Tunnel Portal Mine Pershing 402641N 1184625W 1464 4803 Seven Troughs 04/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Seven Troughs Post Office (historical) Seven Troughs Post Office (historical) Post Office Pershing 402745N 1184904W 2183 7162 Seven Troughs 02/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mazuma Post Office Mazuma Post Office Post Office Pershing 402718N 1184550W 1477 4846 Seven Troughs 02/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Vernon Post Office (historical) Vernon Post Office (historical) Post Office Pershing 402534N 1184723W 1416 4646 Seven Troughs 02/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: J and B Group Mine J and B Group Mine Mine Pershing 402841N 1184611W 1612 5289 Seven Troughs 07/01/1991
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Steamboat Mountain Steamboat Mountain Summit Pershing 405102N 1191326W 1296 4252 Trego 12/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Lost Spring Lost Spring Spring Pershing 405206N 1191303W 1195 3921 Trego 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Cassidy Mine Cassidy Mine Mine Pershing 404944N 1191357W 1261 4137 Trego 02/01/1990
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Secondhand Spring Secondhand Spring Spring Pershing 404914N 1191324W 1199 3934 Trego 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Coyote Spring Coyote Spring Spring Pershing 404547N 1191134W 1193 3914 Trego 02/01/1990 04/18/2011
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Trego Trego Populated Place Pershing 404553N 1190838W 1193 3914 Trego 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Black Rock City Airport Black Rock City Airport Airport Pershing 404514N 1191213W 1191 3907 Trego 04/13/2013 08/12/2014
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hot Springs Hot Springs Spring Pershing 404615N 1190637W 1197 3927 Trego Hot Springs 12/12/1980
U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Trego Hot Springs Trego Hot Springs Spring Pershing 404618N 1190701W 1201 3940 Trego Hot Springs 02/01/1990 04/18/2011