Tohoqua Mine

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The Tohoqua Mine was located near Leadville.

In February, 1907, there was discussion about the richness of the area.[1]

In 1913, the John Harnan, president of the Tohoqua Mining Company stated that he had been working the property since 1906. There were 2200 feet of tunnels, with the main shaft being down 600 feet. The concentrate was to be taken to Trego. [2]

Lincoln (1923) states: "The Tohoqua Mine was equipped with a 50-ton concentrator in 1911, which was remodeled and had a concentrator plant added when the Leadville Ms. Co. took possession in 1920." ... "Mines Handbook gives early production of Tohoqua Mine as $205,000"[3]

The origin of the name "Tohoqua" is unknown. Carlson states that Tohakum means hare or white rabbit.[4]


  1. Nevada State Journal, "Mines North Make a Good Showing," February 12, 1907.
  2. Nevada State Journal, "Opens up Silver Lead Near Gerlach", October 24, 1913.
  3. Francis Church Lincoln, "Mining Districts and Mineral Resources of Nevada," Verdi, Nev.: Nevada Newsletter Publishing Co., p. 236, 1923.
  4. Helen S. Carlson, "Nevada Place Names," p. 3.


  • GNIS
    • "approx loc, in Leadville MD"
    • Citation: "Lincoln, Francis Church. Mining Districts and Mineral Resources of Nevada. Verdi, Nev.: Nevada Newsletter Publishing Co., 1923, 295 pp. Lengthy discussion of mining districts in Nevada, their various names, their history, and their mineral resources. p236"