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Project Phaeton
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** The location in question is on the Pershing-Churchill county line, not the Humboldt-Pershiing county line.
** The location in question is on the Pershing-Churchill county line, not the Humboldt-Pershiing county line.
** The location is not wet clay, like is found on the Black Rock Desert playa.
** The location is not wet clay, like is found on the Black Rock Desert playa.
== Project Phaeton==
* Colleen M. Beck, Susan R. Edwards, and Maureen L. King, "[ The Off-Site Plowshare and Vela Uniform Programs: Assessing Potential Environmental Liabilities through an Examination of Proposed Nuclear Projects,High Explosive Experiments, and High Explosive Construction Activities Volume 3 of 3,]"
** p A-95 discusses Project Phaeton. "Phaeton was one of the projects to be conducted in hard rock"  Possible locations included the Central Nevada Test Area, Monitor Vally and the Black Rock Desert.  There was no indication of field activities and no field work with the possible exception of a few proposed location visits.

Revision as of 18:21, 18 January 2014

Granite Springs Valley is east of Winnemucca Lake.

External Resources

  • GNIS
  • Helen S. Carlson, "Nevada Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary," p. 126. Granite Spring Valley extends from Copper Valley to Adobe Flat and is bounded by the east by the Trinity Range and on the west by the Sahwave Mountains.
  • Giant concentric circles Granite Springs Valley, NV (smugmug) Google Maps 40° 00’ 46.7” N 119° 00’ 05.4” W
    • The Blue Wing Spring and Ragged Top SW maps indicate that this is in T25 R26 S 24, S25 & T25 R27 S19, S30. The Pershing County Assessor shows that this is a checkerboard of BLM and former Santa Fe land, now owned by a holding company
    • 003-281-34 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT T25 R26 SEC 24
    • 003-281-54 KUMIVA GROUP LLC T25 R26 SEC 25
    • 003-271-47 KUMIVA GROUP LLC T25 R27 SEC 19
    • 003-271-48 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT T25 R27 SEC 30
  • Mystery Giant concentric circles Granite Springs Valley, NV (Pace Aero Press)
    • Matt Hensarling posted that this was the Copper Valley Nuclear Test that was cancelled because of fears of creating "fault slippage" that would result in earthquakes.
    • Craig posted that it was something to do with Project Gondola, which was part of Operation Plowshare. Project Gondola was cancelled after there were problems with Project Faultless.
    • Xelex posted "The Granite Springs Valley circles appear to be an arc array to collect particulate samples using 4-foot-square, petrolatum-coated aluminum sheets distributed in a pattern downwind of a detonation point. Similar features can be found at Tonopah Test Range, site of Project Roller Coaster that included four plutonium dispersal tests (Double Tracks, and Clean Slate I, II, and III). There is another arc array southeast of Leuhman Ridge at the Edwards AFB rocket engine test site."
    • Xelex continues: "Arc arrays are typically used for collecting fallout samples from surface (or shallow subsurface) bursts. If the Plowshare shot Gondola was to be an excavation test, it would make sense to collect fallout data."

Project Gondola

  • Not to be confused with Pre-Gondola
  • Scott Kaufman, "Project Plowshare: The Peaceful Use of Nuclear Explosives in Cold War America," p. 225 (not available in Google Books).
  • Scott Kaufman, "Proving Grounds: Project Plowshare and the Unrealized Dream of Nuclear Earth Moving," (2005) p. 188. Discussion about July 1968 fourth annual report of the Canal Commission: "Project Gondola, a cratering experiment to be conducted in wet clay (at a site as yet to be undetermined), would be particularly germane to the soil conditions in Panama's Chucunaque valley, where field studies has left Army Corps engineers increasingly concerned about the problem of slope stability".
  • Colleen M. Beck, Susan R. Edwards, and Maureen L. King, "The Off-Site Plowshare and Vela Uniform Programs: Assessing Potential Environmental Liabilities through an Examination of Proposed Nuclear Projects,High Explosive Experiments, and High Explosive Construction Activities Volume 3 of 3,"
    • p A-59 In 1969, a nuclear cratering experiment in wet clay shale was in the planning stages. One of the four sites under consideration was the Black Rock Desert. "In February, 1969, just as the preliminary drilling program was getting under way at the four sites, the project was put on hold due to funding contraints with the expectation that it would resume in FY 1970 with field data available by late August 1969. However, the project did not resum and a February 20, 1970 memo to the project participants terminated the associated committees and indefinitely deferred the project, effectively ending the Gondola Project. "The proposed Nevada site was in the Black Rock Desert, west of Winnemucca on the Humboldt-Pershing County lines." . "No field work was conducted". A press release from the Office of Public Affairs, US AEC, Nevada Operations office dated January 30, 1969 stated that exploratory drilling "was to begin within a few days". Drilling permits were obtained, but the field work was cancelled.
  • Reasons why this location is not Gondola.
    • The location in question is on the Pershing-Churchill county line, not the Humboldt-Pershiing county line.
    • The location is not wet clay, like is found on the Black Rock Desert playa.

Project Phaeton