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Black Rock Desert Playa Wiki
Friends of Black Rock High Rock

This interface will allow the user to update information about the Black Rock Desert from their own observations and experience. The desired outcome is to provide a wealth of historical information about sites of interest and current traveller information. Please feel free to experiment, but respect the contributions of others.

It is recommended that you [Login or Create an Account] but it is not a requirement to contribute.

If you are uncomfortable with wiki editing, please mailto:info@blackrockdesert.org send us your information.

Please Contribute!

  • News

Feb 2007: Possible Impact Crater at Nevada's Black Rock Desert
Sep 2007: National Public Lands Day September 29 and 30 at Steven's Camp

  • Events
Aug 11-13Perseids Meteor Shower Campout
Aug 27-Sep 2Burning Man
Aug 28-29Coyote Springs Conservation
Sep 12-17AeroPac rocket launches
Sep 29National Public Lands Day
Oct 6Sierra Club Hot Spring Tour