Negro Creek

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(Redirected from McNamara Creek)
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Note: U.S. Department of the Interior Secretarial Order 3404 dated November 19, 2021 has declared "Squaw" a derogatory term and is implementing procedures to change the name. Details are at U.S. Board on Geographic Names. See also the monthly minutes and review lists and Renaming offensive placenames.

Negro Creek passes through Iveson Ranch, crosses Highway 34 and descends into Hualapai flat.

At one time, Negro Creek was likely McNamara Creek. In 1996, Ray. M. Smith states that in the 1881 map, McNamara Creek was downgraded from a river to a creek and that McNamara Creek is probably now Donnelly Creek. An enigmatic footnote states that probably Donnelly Creek was named after an Army Captain who was at Fort McGarry who disappeared with his patrol group and that they were never found.[1] Review of military and newspaper records has found no mention of this.


  1. Nevada's Northwest Corner: The Black Rock Country of Northern Humboldt, Pershing and Washoe Counties,, Ray M. Smith, p. 40, 1996.

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