Great Trans-continental Railroad Guide

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Grofutt & Eaton, "Great Trans-continental Railroad Guide: Containing a Full and Authentic Description of Over Five Hundred Cities, Towns, Villages ... Over the Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad of Cal", 244 pages, 1870.

"MUD LAKE About 50 miles west of Winnemucca across the Humboldt which here turns to the south is one of those peculiar lakes found in the great basin of Nevada. The lake receives the waters of Quinn's river and several smaller tributaries during the wet season. It has no outlet unless its connection with Pyramid and Winnemucca Lakes could be so designated It is about 50 miles long by 20 wide in high water in summer it dwindles down to a marshy tract of land and a large stagnant pool At the head of the lake is"

"BLACK ROCK A noted landmark in this part of the country. It is a bold rocky headland rising about 1,800 feet above the lake bleak bare and extending for several miles. It is an isolated peak in this desert waste keeping solitary guard amid the surrounding desolation About twenty miles due south of Mud Lake is"

"PYRAMID LAKE Which receives the waters of Truckee river. It is about 30 miles long by 20 wide during the wet seasons The quality of the water is superior to that of Mud Lake though the waters of all these lakes is more or less brackish But a miles to the east of Pyramid Lake "

"WINNEMUCCA LAKE Another stagnant pond about 15 miles long by 10 wide. This lake is connected with Pyramid Lake by a small stream and that in turn with Mud Lake but only during high water when the streams flowing into them cause them to spread far over the low sandy waste around them."