Desert Survivors Hike

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Thursday May 10 thru Sunday May 13, 2007

Desert Survivors Hike

May 10-14 (Thur-Mon) 5 days Black Rock High Points Backpack (M/S) Black Rock Desert, Nevada

We'll day hike Donnelly Peak, the high point of the Calico Hills on the west side of the Black Rock Desert on Friday.

Saturday we'll backpack into the Black Rock Range on the east side of the desert, and will day hike Pahute Peak (also known as Big Mountain), the high point of the range, on Sunday. Monday we'll pack out and return.

The ascent of Donnelly Peak is the strenuous part of this trip.

The backpack and climb of Pahute Peak is moderate.

Limit 15.

Contact Leader: John Wilkinson

(408) 947-0858 johnfw1 at mac dot com

See Also