Cottonwood Mining District

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The Cottonwood Mining District is in the Fox Range near the Sano siding.[1]

Burchard (1883) reported:

"Cottonwood district is about 80 miles north of Reno on the Central Pacific Railway and about 15 miles east of the Buffalo Salt Works. Mr BF Murphy of Sheephead reports that about one hundred locations have been made and recorded in the district most of which show a good prospect on the surface

"The formation of the country is slate and bird's eye porphyry with limestone in some portions. The district is claimed by men of limited means who are working in a very moderate way."

"The Homestake has been opened to a depth of 100 feet showing a ledge 6 feet wide at the bottom of the shaft the ore from which assays from $15 to $1,927 per ton. No ore has been worked or shipped from this mine there being no mill in the district and the nearest reduction works are 125 miles distant"

"The Hornet is a promising claim. A vein 2 feet in width has been sunk upon for 20 feet with ore assaying from $30 to $500 per ton. Three tons of assorted ore shipped from this mine to San Francisco sold for $132.50 per ton."

"The Black Bess has a ledge 3 1/2 feet wide ore from which has assayed as high as $2,000 but little work has been done upon it."

"The Luke Blackburn adjoining the Black Bess has a vein of about 18 inches which is equally as rich as the latter. It has been opened by a tunnel in about 200 feet which has not however struck the ledge which it is thought will be cut in another 100 feet. Two tons of unassorted ore from this mine worked by the Lyon Mill and Mining Company produced $67 to the ton. The Gray Eagle has a ledge 2 1/2 feet wide and ore assaying from $20 to $400 per ton 25 pounds of this ore worked at Dayton yielded at the rate of $132 per ton. A tunnel driven 160 feet has not yet reached the ledge."

" Miller mining district is about 14 miles east of Cottonwood. There are some good prospects here but no work was done during 1882 and the district is nearly deserted and most of the claims open to relocation."[2]

"Cottonwood district — The Ambassador Mines Co. developed its property in the Cottonwood district and shipped to a smelter 3 tons of 25 per cent lead ore carrying silver and a little gold."[3]

Note that Minerals of Nevada incorrectly places Hog Ranch Mine in the Cottonwood Mining District. This is likely because the Cottonwood District includes the Fox Range, whereas the Hog Ranch Mountains, located north, near Leadville include Fox Mountain. Bussey (1996) states that Hog Ranch is in tufa from the Cottonwood Creek, which adds to the confusion.[4]



  1. Joseph V. Tingley, "Mining Districts of Nevada," Report 47, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1998, 2nd Edition. See map for details.
  2. Horatio C. Burchard, "Report of the Director of the Mint Upon the Statistics of the Production of the Precious Metals in the United States," p. 166, 1883.
  3. "Mineral Resources of the United States," p. 669, 1929.
  4. Bussey, "Gold mineralization and associated rhyolitic volcanism at the Hog Ranch Mine," Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology and Ore Deposits of the America Cordillera, Reno, NV, 1996.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Theodore D. Overton, "Mineral Resources of Douglas, Ormsby, and Washoe Counties," p. 60-61, Geology and Mining Bulletin No. 46, December, 1947.
  6. James M. Hill, "Some Mining Districts in Northeastern California and Northwestern Nevada," p. 183, USGS Bulletin 594, 1915.
