Big Antelope Creek Camp

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Rathbun writes that Big Antelope Creek, Camp that a detachment of California Cavalry was stationed there in the Spring of 1865. The location was also a station to support commerce and mining. At the time of the writing, nothing remained but some metal fragments and a few stones indicating tent platforms for the mining camp. The location is about 15 miles from exit 145 where the road crosses the Antelope Range. Rathbun cites Hart.[1]

Hart writes that "Big Antelope Cr. Cp" was located 40 miles east of Camp McKee and that it was occupied in 1863. [2]


  1. "Nevada Military Place Names of the Indian Wars and Civil War," Daniel C. B. Rathbun, p. 66, 2001.
  2. "Old Forts of the Far West," Herbert M. Hart, p. 184, 1965.