Staggs Mining District

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The Staggs Mining District located south of the Trego Mining District and north of the Blue Wing Mining District.[1]

Johnson (1973) writes: "The Staggs district is in the northern Black Mountains, also known as the Bluewing Mountains, in western Pershing County. A small amount of placer gold was recovered during the period 1940-41 from a placer deposit at the northwest end of the mountains (sec. 12, T. 29 N., R. 26 E.). The placer extends north along the major drainage from the Bluewing Mountains."[2]

The Lava Beds are in the Staggs Mining District[3]

Mines in the area include:


  1. Joseph V. Tingley, "Mining Districts of Nevada," Report 47, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1998, 2nd Edition. See map for details.
  2. Maureen Johnson, "Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada," p. 28, USGS 1356, 1973.
  3. H.F. Bonham, Jr., L.J. Garside, R.B. Jones, K.G. Papke, J.Quade, and J.V. Tingle, OF1985-03: A mineral inventory of the Paradise-Denio -- and Sonoma-Gerlach Resource Areas, Winnemucca District, Nevada," p. 166, 1985.
  4. John H. Schilling, "Tungsten Mines in Nevada," Map 87, 1963. Superseded by B105 and M87.
  5. Harold K. Stager, Joseph V. Tingley, "Tungsten Deposits of Nevada," Map 87, 1985.


  • M. G. Johnson, "Geology and Mineral Deposits of Pershing County, Nevada," (See for toc), NBMG 89, 1977.
  • F. L. Ransome, E. F. Burchard, "Contributions to Economic Geology," USGS 725D, 1921
  • Stager, "Tungsten Deposits of Nevada" NBMG
  • Richard B. Jones, "Lead Deposits and occurrences in Nevada," Map 78, 1963.
  • B89
  • OF85-3
  • B105