Big Canyon

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The mouth of Big Canyon is 13 miles north of Sutcliffe.[1]

In July, 1864, Charles Symonds started building a house at the mouth of Big Canyon. Later the location became known as Pyramid.[1]

Big Canyon Ranch

Basil Woon stated that at one time, Big Canyon Ranch was owned by an Englishman who thought the Nazis were going to take over the world.[2]

At one time, the Big Canyon Ranch was owned by cattleman Hiram West, who married a daughter of P. T. Barnum.[2] Hiram West is buried on Tule Mountain. [3]

In 1950, Harry Richman bought the Big Canyon Ranch. [2]


External Resources

  • University of Nevada, Reno. UNRS-P2710-124," "Lorenzo D. Creel with four men. Man to Creel's right is same man as in photo #29, 30, 31 and 34. Pyramid Lake. Nevada, 1918. [Identification supplied by Paiute elder: Jigger Bob, far right, from Big Canyon; "used to holler around" to show he was coming; Joe Mandel, far left] (See also #5112 and #5308)"