1925 Washoe County Directory

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1925 Washoe County Directory From Gary B. Horton.

(Comments not appearing in the directory are in italics)

REMEMBERING THE OLD-TIMERS The following names were extracted from the 1925 Washoe County Directory as having lived in the Gerlach/Empire area. Directory published by R. L. Polk & Co.. Extract by Gary B. Horton.

Beaudoin, David

Benefield., Ed

Blancett, J. S. garage

Benner, John J.

Boyd, Allen

Boyer, Clay F.

Bradford, Frank

Browne, Geo. A.

Bryant, J. S.

Butler, W. T. Scott soft drinks

Cahill, Walter M.

Carey, Neil

Carter, Hugh M.

Christensen, Art.

Clark, J. T.

Clark, Victor

Conlan, Frank M.

Cook, R. F.

Cornish, S. O. Agt WPRR

Coykendall, Guy

Crain, J. C.

Cross, Claude

Dalton, W. E. postmaster

Delmas, Fred

Dilts, L. O.

Dodson, Geo. J.

Doran, James H.

Duffy, Edd

Dutton, Jas. H.

Ferrari, Alford

Ferrari, Frank

Finley, Jas. P.

Finley, O. C.

Finley, R. R.

Fisher, J. H.

Fisk, C. W. (Probably Clyde Fisk, rancher. Also paid 1936 taxes at Deep Hole. Squaw Reservoir was once called Fisk Reservoir. See also Shootout at Hualipi Flats. )

Friel, G. C.

Frizzell, Lloyd 1930 Census shows that he was b. 1881 and resided in Gerlach in 1930. His mother was Annie J. Frizzell

Frugoli, Pete

Galindo, Harry P.

Gariety, Martin

Garrett, John W.

Garrison, D. E.

Geil, D. M.

Gerlach, Fred C.

Gregory, Lewis

Grimes, Jas. J. (Mildred Irene Jeakins married James Jacob Grimes in 1923 and then Charles Carter in 1936 (source: "Descendants of Burford Jeakins")

Grotto, Frank

Gruwell, Gilmer

Hagen, Carl F.

Hain, John

Haley, L. R.

Hambly, Jack A.

Hamrick, J. W.

Harlan, George L.

Hart, William

Harvin, William C.

Hawkins, W. W.

Heward, J. H.

Howard, J. H. gen mdse

Howell, John W.

Hughes, Henry J.

Hunter, Harry c.

Hutchinson, Mont E. (Gerlach Justice of the Peace)

Hutchinson, Wressell

Itzania, George

Jeakins, Alford

Johnson, C. A.

Keenan, J. H.

Kellicut, Fred D.

Kelly, Claude E.

Kelly, Frank A.

Kennedy, James H.

Kilborn, William

Klein, J. J.

Kleinschmidt, F. H.

Landon, Louis

Langston, David

Lane, Charles D.

Larson, James

Leslie, Percy

Luchesi, Charles

Lyn, Floy

Lyons, Daniel

McCary, W. D.

McCarthy, Max H.

McCarthy, William

McGinnis, E. c. "Mac"

McGovern, John A.

McGraw, William

McNeil, Patrick

Martin, Ray

Meaker, Reginald

Melody, Joseph C.

Melody, Laura

Melvin, L. A.

Moffatt, Bert soft drinks

Monson, Alto

Monson, T. M.

Moore, C. A.

Moore, M. D.

Morley, M. A.

Morrison, W. K.

Mosher, C. A.

Mosher, G. A.

Murdock, Hanse

Murdock, R. H.

Murdock, Wm. S. gen mdse

Myatta, M.

Nelson, Al barber

Nottingham, Geo. supt PPCCo

O'Neil, J. H.

Ormsby, R. E.

Ostrander, J. M. soft drinks

Parker, Fred W.

Parker, Samuel F. (See Donald Jeakins: memories of Ogle Swingle)

Parker, William

Parker, W. Dewey (See Parker Ranch)

Parsons, William M.

Penner, E.

Perry, Ray

Phillips, L. Ferd

Piney, Frank restaurant

Powell, C. Stanley

Raser, John

Raynard, C. W.

Reeder, T. L.

Sartain, A. R.

Sellick, Joseph

Shedd, Bert (Found gold in 1910 in the Granite Range)

Shedd, George W.

Shedd, Roy

Shelby, Francis

Shutty, Frank

Simmons, Jacob M.

Sinz, A. H.

Smith, F. C.

Strong, W. R. soft drinks

Swift, C. W.

Toft, M. P.

Tomaino, G.

Turnbow, Oscar

Vad, Chris

Van Norman, O. D. (Possibly Oddie Van Norman, who wrote "I Rode For Gerlach". See Louis Gerlach, James Raser, Hog Ranch Mountains)

Vogel, J. F. (Possible co-owner of the Vogel Weiss Ranch, Vogel Weiss Ranch (GNIS) (located near Wheeler Ranch), Vogel and Weiss Ranch Artesian Well - Joyce M. Cox, Washoe County)

Wagner, Richard (Possible name source for Wagner Springs?)

Wagner, W. M. (Possible name source for Wagner Springs?)

Ward, Robert (Possibly associated with Fly Geyser?)

Webster, C. R. soft drinks

Weiss, Edward

Wells, William (See Vogel, above)

White, Mike

Wilder, E. T.

Williams, Austin B. (DeWayne Williams' father. Source: "1940 Census")

Williams, Harry R.

Wilson, George W.

Witherspoon, S.

Woods, E. A. livery

Wurth, James

Young, Frank

Young. R. J.

Zuniga, Alford

Zuniga, Frank

Zuniga, Harry

Businesses Listed:

American Railway Express Company

Donnelly Mountain Mining Company

Tohoquo Mining Company

Western Pacific Ry. Co.

Western Union Telegraph Company

Brannan & Brannan, gen mdse

Note: Some of you readers may have noticed that there are quite number of people in the soft d±ink business. Remember, it was durlng prohibition. All the people selling soft drinks in 1925 were dispensing whiskey prior to 1917, when prohibition became law.

See Also