Bloody Point

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Revision as of 19:37, 23 November 2014 by Cxbrx (talk | contribs) (Named for the July 1869 murders.)
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Bloody Point is located near Deep Hole. It was named in 1965.

"spur about 0.7 mile long in the southwestern part of the Granite Range, about 5 miles northwest of Granite Point, 5 miles south-southwest of Granite Peak and 6.5 miles northwest of Gerlach"[1]

"Nevada Centennial Commission, AMS Lovelock 1:250; suggested name for previously unnamed feature; "this point is at the scene or near scene of a bloody murder in July 1869 of two white men by Indians"; not in a USNF"[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 >United States Geological Survey, Bureau of Graphical Names Folder NV_838912_001_Bloody Point_frm_1965.pdf
