Gerlach Post Office

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Revision as of 16:36, 25 May 2013 by Cxbrx (talk | contribs) (Added references for the old post office.)
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The old Post Office was at 390 Main St., which is currently the Burning Man office. Helen Thrasher was postmistress for many years. The old post office was also a general store.

The current Gerlach Post Office is at 345 E Sunset Blvd Gerlach, NV 89412, (775) 557-2333.


  • GNIS. As of May, 2013, refers to the old post office location.
  • RJ Smith, "Speed Freaks," Spin Magazine, Jan. 1998, p 121. "in the back room of the old Gerlach post office, Breedlove..."