Peter Lassen

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Peter Lassen, by Lassen County historian, Tim I. Purdy. "Peter Lassen was born on October 31, 1800, at Farum, Denmark, a small village located fifteen miles from Copenhagen. ... In the fall of 1858, news circulated of the silver discovery in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. In the spring of 1859, Lassen organized a prospecting party. It was divided into two groups, one led by Captain W William Weatherlow and the other by Lassen—that group consisted of Lassen, Edward Clapper and Lemericus Wyatt. The two groups were to meet at the Black Rock Canyon. Lassen and Company arrived first and remained to wait for Weatherlow’s party—a fatal mistake. On the morning on April 26, 1859, Lassen’s camp was awakened by a gunshot, a fatal one, striking the head of Clapper. Lassen was killed by the second shot. Wyatt escaped and rode horseback 124 miles to Susanville to safety and to relay the tragic event. Who murdered Clapper and Lassen is a question still pondered to this day. Wyatt stated that they had been attacked by Indians. However, many historians are skeptical about Wyatt’s story and speculate that he murdered his comrades. -- HVEM VAR PETER LASSEN

Og det skete i det herrens år.....1800 at en lille dreng blev født! Hans far hed Lars Nielsen. Dengang tog man det ikke så nøje med hvad man hed som efternavn, man brugte meget det at kalde sønnen farens fornavn og søn bagefter og sådanne kom den lille dreng til at hedde Larssøn til fornavn blev han kaldt Peter. Dette blev så til Peter Larssøn eller Peter Larssen for så senere at kalde sig Peter Lassen. Datiden så med mindre respekt på navne, end nutiden hyppigt gør det endda i vor tid lægger såmænd de fleste mennesker ringe vægt på hvordan andres navne staves.