NDOW Mule Deer 021

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Provided by the Nevada Division of Wildlife


See unit description Unit 021

LOCATION: Unit 021 is located just north of Reno, Nevada. It is bounded on the west and south by Highway 395, on the east by the Pyramid Lake Road and the Winnemucca Ranch Road, and on the north by the Doyle, Fish Springs Road.

ELEVATION: Elevations vary from 4,500' in the valley floors to 8,000' at Stateline Peak in the northern end of the unit.

TERRAIN: This unit is comprised of five small single-ridge mountain ranges, which run in a north - south direction. Although small, these mountains are steep and rough rising, as much as 3,000 feet from the valley floor in little over a mile.

VEGETATION:Upper elevation deer habitat is characterized by mountain mahogany, bitterbrush, big sagebrush and other mountain brush species. Aspen is very limited in this unit. Much of this area has been burned by wildfires in 1983, 1984 and 1994. Crested wheatgrass, rabbitbrush, Mormon tea, big sagebrush, and many types of perennial and annual forbs and grasses characterize burn areas. Some of the lower elevation areas also contain a fair amount of juniper. Overall, the area is fairly open and lends itself well to the observation of deer.

LAND STATUS: This unit comprises approximately 175 square miles. Most of the deer habitat is under federal ownership. Road closures are in effect during the late season deer hunt in the Peterson Range and Sand Hills. Overall, access is considered to be good in this unit.

HUNTER ACCESS: Access from Reno on Highway 395. Late season hunters should be prepared for snow and muddy roads.

MAP REFERENCES: U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale metric topographic maps which give a broad overview of the area are as follows: Reno and Kumiva Peak. Several 7.5 and 15 minute maps that provide the best detail are as follows: Stateline Peak, Dogskin Mountain, Reno and Sutcliffe. Topo maps are sold in Reno at the Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology at 784-6691 and Mark, Fore & Strike at 322-9559. The DeLorme Nevada Atlas and Gazetteer is available at most book or sporting goods stores, or by calling them direct at 1-800-452-5931. Link to Map Resources.

FACILITIES AND SERVICES: All facilities can be found in Reno, which is approximately one hour driving distance from most hunt areas in this unit. There are no developed campgrounds. Hunters typically stay in Reno and commute each morning to the hunt area.

RECOMMENDED HUNTING AREAS FOR MULE DEER: Late season rifle hunters should focus their efforts on traditional concentration areas like the west and east sides of Peterson Mountain, the north side of Seven Lakes Mountain, and the Sand Hills. Fort Sage and Dogskin Mountains should also be considered, however, deer densities in these ranges are very low.