NDOW Mule Deer 014

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Prepared by the Nevada Division of Wildlife


See unit description Unit 014 

LOCATION: Area 014 is located just north of the town of Gerlach, Nevada. It is bounded on the south and west by Highway 447, on the east by Highway 34, and on the north by the Lost Creek - Grass Valley Road.

ELEVATION: Elevations vary from 4,000 feet at the valley floors to 9,000 feet at Granite Peak.

TERRAIN: This unit encompasses a single ridge mountain range that runs in a north-south direction. The southern half of the range is composed of rugged canyons and rims which give way to large rough plateaus and rolling mountains to the north.

VEGETATION: Upper elevation deer habitat is characterized by mountain mahogany, bitterbrush, big sagebrush and other mountain brush species. Aspen is more common in this unit than elsewhere in Management Area 1. It is found along the eastern slopes of the range in association with most of the perennial streams and spring sources. Mountain mahogany is quite thick in the northern half of the range, particularly in the Fox Mountain area.

LAND STATUS: This unit encompasses approximately 400 miles? of which less than 5% percent is private.

HUNTER ACCESS: From Alturas or Cedarville, California, go south on Highway 447. From Reno or Gerlach, Nevada, go north Highway 447. Roads in this unit range from high standard dirt like Highway 34 to small jeep trails. Many of the hunting areas, particularly during inclement weather, are accessible only by four-wheel drive.

Carry extra gas, spare tires, tire chains and water.  

MAP REFERENCES: U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale metric topographic maps which give a broad overview are as follows: Gerlach and Highrock Canyon. There are many 7.5-minute quadrangles that provide the best topographic detail. Topo maps are sold in Reno at the Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology at 784-6691 and Mark, Fore & Strike at 322-9559. The DeLorme Nevada Atlas and Gazetteer is available at most book or sporting goods stores, or by calling them direct at 1-800-452-5931. Link to Map Resources.

FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Hospitals are located in Cedarville and Reno. Gas, food, vehicle repair facilities, and motels are located in Cedarville and Gerlach. There are no developed campgrounds. Hunters typically camp near tree cover and or riparian areas adjacent to the area that they are hunting. Tent-type camps are recommended. Trailer or RV-type hunters are confined to the better road systems in the valley floors and are required to travel further each day to reach their hunt areas. In most cases, drinking water must be hauled from the nearest town.

RECOMMENDED HUNTING AREAS FOR MULE DEER: Deer can be found throughout most of this unit. Hotspots in the south end include the Banjo south to the Tanks, which includes the heads of Cottonwood Creek, Rock Creek and Granite Creek. To the north, look at Fox Mountain south to Melody Mountain to include the heads of the North, Middle and South Forks of Negro Creek. The upper portions of Crutcher Canyon and west to Lone Juniper Spring can be good hunting.

SPECIAL COMMENTS: Deer population levels in this hunt area are down 60 to 80% from the highs experienced during the late 1980s. Post season buck ratios have been maintained at high levels through management of hunter numbers. However, hunters should expect to encounter low deer densities and a higher degree of difficulty in locating mature bucks than has been experienced in this area in past years.