Harveyville Post Office (historical)

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The post office at Hardin City was named Hardin City from July 1866 until October 1866 and then renamed to Harveyville from October 1866 to August 1867.

Postmaster appointments for Roop County in the 1860s.


  • GNIS
    • History: "PO as Harden City Jul 1866 Oct 1866 Haveyville Oct 1866 Aug 1867"
    • Citation: "Gamett, James, and Paher, Stanley W. Nevada Post Offices. Las Vegas: Nevada Publications, 1983, 176 pp. Discusses historical background of Nevada post offices. p73"
    • Variant: Harden City Post Office. Citation "Gamett, James, and Paher, Stanley W. Nevada Post Offices. Las Vegas: Nevada Publications, 1983, 176 pp. Discusses historical background of Nevada post offices. p73"
    • Variant: Hardin City Post Office. Citation: "Gamett, James, and Paher, Stanley W. Nevada Post Offices. Las Vegas: Nevada Publications, 1983, 176 pp. Discusses historical background of Nevada post offices. p73"