
From Black Rock Desert Wiki
Revision as of 00:28, 1 April 2017 by Cxbrx (talk | contribs) (How to see how wet the playa is)
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See also The Friends of Black Rock's current conditions page.

Visibility prediction

When Satellites will be visible above the Black Rock Desert, Nevada


MODIS is a satellite that images the Black Rock Desert Region.

Clips from MODIS realtime strips

How to see how wet the Playa has been

This is based in part on Laura's page [| Black Rock Desert - MODIS Images - How wet was the Black Rock Desert this year?] from 2011.

The basic idea is that we look for terra 7-2-1 MODIS data and display it

  1. Go to
  2. Pan and zoom until you have a nice view of the Black Rock Desert
  3. Click on the red "+ Add Layers" button
  4. In the search window, type "terra 7-2-1" and click on the red box at the right of "Corrected Reflectance (Bands 7-2-1)" to select it.
  5. Close the search window by clicking on the X.
  6. Now you can change the time scale to make a movie or a gif.

See Also