
From Black Rock Desert Wiki
Revision as of 05:38, 30 March 2016 by Cxbrx (talk | contribs) (Added datasheet)
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Twain is a triangulation station disk on the road between Sulphur and Leonard Creek Ranch.


 *** retrieval complete.
 Elapsed Time = 00:00:03
Msg=FATAL_ERROR - No Marks found

 -   This listing contains control for which complete digital                -
 -   data sheets where not provided.  The complete data sheets were          -
 -   not provided for the reason listed below.  The reason below is          -
 -   associated with a horizontal control Nonpub code shown under            -
 -   the heading 'H' and/or a vertical control Nonpub code shown under       -
 -   the heading 'v'                                                         -
 -                                                                           -
 -   The format of the records are as follows:                               -
 -       Pid  = Station Permanent Identifier)                                -
 -       Name = Station Designation                                          -
 -       Lat  = Approx. Latitude (Degrees, Minutes, truncated Seconds)       -
 -       Lon  = Approx. Longitude (Degrees, Minutes, truncated Seconds)      -
 -       O    = Horizontal Order                                             -
 -       o    = Vertical Order                                               -
 -       H    = Horizontal Nonpub Code                                       -
 -       v    = Vertical Nonpub Code                                         -
 -                                                                           -
 -       H Nonpub HORIZONTAL CONTROL NONPUB REASON                           -
 -       -------- --------------------------------                           -
 -       B        Station is a RBN antenna                                   -
 -       C        Not a publishable datum within the state                   -
 -       D        No descriptive text available                              -
 -       I        No NAD83 coordinates available, only IGS08 coordinates     -
 -       L        CORS L1 Phase Center is not publishable                    -
 -       N        No geodetic control                                        -
 -       O        Outside NGS publication area                               -
 -       P        Purpose of position is not for network control             -
 -       R        Restricted position                                        -
 -       T        Station is a temporary point/bench mark                    -
 -       V        Station is a VOR antenna                                   -
 -       W        Weakly determined position                                 -
 -       X        Surface mark reported destroyed                            -
 -       Y        Surface and underground mark reported destroyed            -
 -       v Nonpub VERTICAL CONTROL NONPUB REASON                             -
 -       -------- ------------------------------                             -
 -       C        Not a publishable datum within the state                   -
 -       D        No descriptive text available                              -
 -       F        Bench mark not yet adjusted                                -
 -       N        No geodetic control                                        -
 -       L        CORS L1 Phase Center is not publishable                    -
 -       O        Outside NGS publication area                               -
 -       R        Restricted elevation                                       -
 -       S        Mark is in a subsidence area                               -
 -       T        Station is a temporary point/bench mark                    -
 -       X        Surface mark reported destroyed                            -
 -       Y        Surface and underground mark reported destroyed            -
 -       Z        Presumed destroyed                                         -
 -                                                                           -
 -                                                                           -
 -   NOTE - Stations found in this listing may still have a valid            -
 -          datasheet produced by use of other publishable values.           -
 -          For example, an ADJUSTED height may be non-publishable           -
 -          but a good GPS height might be found on the datasheet.           -
 -          This listing does not imply that values found on the datasheet   -
 -          are restricted.  If it's on the datasheet, use it.               -
 -                                                                           -
  Pid    Name                           Lat        Lon        Elev      O o Hv
  ------ ----------------------------- ---------- ----------- --------- - - --
 >MV0307 TWAIN                         41 03 02.3/118 43 10.3   1243.   1 3 XX

Remote Resources