Wall Spring
Wall Spring is located on the west side of the Smoke Creek Desert, north of the Parker Ranch.
Lucius Arcularius was murdered near March 1, 1864 near Wall Spring. After finding his body, the search party went back to Granite Creek station "and fixed up a box and came back and buried him."
- Asa Merrill Fairfield, "Fairfield's Pioneer History of Lassen County, California." (1916)
- Shann Rupp "A Photo Tour to California Via the Nobles Trail," Wall Springs (sic): "When in the center of the plain, we were gratified by the sight of bushes and of green vegetation in the mountains we were approaching, indicating the position of springs and of small streams;..... We were here upon the Noble road, which follows the north shore of the lake by the Boiling springs." -- Lt. Beckwith, 1854"
- Sessions Wheeler, "The Nevada Desert," p. 62. Lucius Arcularius found dead near Wall Springs (sic).