Buffalo Meadows

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Revision as of 03:46, 5 May 2014 by Cxbrx (talk | contribs) (Carlson has info about the post office.)
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Buffalo Meadows "is a flat located east of the Smoke Creek Desert and north of Twin Mountain" (Carson)

Place Name Links

  • Helen S. Carlson, "Nevada Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary
    • p. 62 of Carlson states that areas with the name Buffalo were named for "buffalo grass grass in the area or for buffalo bushes growing on stream banks". Carlson states that Buffalo Meadows was a stock raising station located on the WP RR and that it had a post office from March 29, 1879 until November 15, 1913, when the mail moved to Sheepshead.
  • George R. Stewart, Western Folklore, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Apr., 1948), p. 174 quotes a local as saying that the name came from an Indian by the same name. The local qualified his statement with saying that there was an old Indian with that name and that he supposes that the area was named after the Indian.
  • GNIS cites "Paher, Stanley W. Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps. Berkeley: Howell-North Books, 1970, 492 pp. Gives historical background for mining towns and camps in Nevada. p154"

History Links

Buffalo Springs

Buffalo Canyon
