Pyramid Lake

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Pyramid Lake is within the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Reservation. Day use permits are required.

General history and resources of Washoe County, Nevada, published under the auspices of the Nevada Educational Association." (1888):

  • p. 22: "CHANGES IN THE LAKES The surface of Pyramid Lake is gradually lowering while there is a corresponding rise in waters of Winnemucca Lake. Stockmen vaqueros say the change becomes very evident they ride along the shores and see bluffs where decade ago there was a gentle slope and as look at the pyramid in the center of the lake to present more volume above the tide level. Twenty five years ago the rocks where the surf beat and left an undying mark are to-day a mile from the water. The stakes to which Indians tied their boats stand in regular line, one below another and serve as marks of shoreline water receded year after year. Finally, at periods of about five years the waves threw gravel and shells which formed a kind composes ridges in succession clear around the lake."

(International Space Station ISS015-E-15145, Pyramid Lake 2007-06-29)
Two members of King's expedition on one of the mounds in Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Photo by T.H. O'Sullivan .U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (King Survey)USGS
The Pyramid and Domes — in Pyramid Lake, western Nevada. A line of dome-shaped tufa rocks culminating in a large pyramid-shaped tufa rock in Pyramid Lake. Photo by T.H. O'Sullivan (1867)

See Also

External Links

  • Harold Wellman Fairbanks, "Pyramid Lake, Nevada," Popular Science Monthly, Volume 58, March 1901. Includes low resolution photos.
  • A.J. Liebling, "The Mustang Hunters," The New Yorker, April 3, 1954 and April 10, 1954. See also Horses.

  • -- Nevada NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) News, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and Partners Work to Restore Abandoned Mine
