Wagner Springs

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Wagner Springs is located on Soldier Meadow Road near Wheeler Ranch.

Flowing Springs Station was likely either at Wagner Springs or Wheeler Ranch.

Wagner Springs is possibly named for a John Wagner who accompanied Louis Gerlach in 1902.[1] A rancher named John Henry Wagner died in 1943, he had been a rancher in the region for 25 years.[2] Alternatively, perhaps it was named after Richard Wagner or W. M. Wagner, who are listed in the 1925 Washoe County Directory.

Stovepipe Springs might be another name for Wagner as Stovepipe appears on the Holt & Gibbs 1862 California and Nevada Map.

An 1865 article states that Stovepipe Spring was 8 miles from "Cold Spring" and 4 miles from Fountain Spring.[3]


  1. Nevada State Journal, "A Cattle Deal," "Louis Gerlach and John Wagner are up from Stockton .They have chased about 200 head of Miller..."
  2. "Gerlach Rancher Succumbs Here," Reno Evening Gazette, November 15, 1943, p. 9.
  3. "Distances from Susanville to Ruby City," October 28, 1865, The Weekly Union Record, Oroville, p. 2.
