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[Hosmer is probably a typo, it should be Osmer]
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Black Rock Tom was member of the [[Smoke Creek Band]] of Paiutes.  In March, 1865, he and others killed George Thayer and Lucius Arcularius at the [[Smoke Creek Desert]].<ref>"[ A History of the State of Nevada: Its Resources and People]," Thomas Wren, p. 290, 1904.</ref>
Sequinata (Se-quin-a-ta), also known as Black Rock Tom, was chief of the Black Rock Band of Paiutes.<ref>"[ The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, The History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming]," p. 210, volume 25, 1890</ref> In March, 1865, he and others killed George Thayer and Lucius Arcularius at the [[Smoke Creek Desert]].<ref>"[ A History of the State of Nevada: Its Resources and People]," Thomas Wren, p. 290, 1904.</ref>

In November 1865, Lieutenant Osmer tracked Tom to Paiute Creek (present day [[Paiute Meadows]] resulting in 55 Paiutes and one soldier killed.<ref name=lewers>"[ History of Nevada]," Robert Lewers, Weekly Nevada State Journal, p. 1, November 14, 1896</ref>
Se-quin-a-ta was for the Paiute War at Pyramid Lake.  In 1881 it was reported that his name was Chiquito Winne-mucca and that he distinctly remembered meeting Fremont in 1849 at Pyramid Lake.  During one of the Pyramid Lake battles, Se-quin-a-ta disobeyed the orders of Young Winnemucca  (Numaga) and charged past Numaga as Numaga was trying to start negotiations with Ormsby.<ref name=1881Carson>"[ Indians and their wars in Nevada,]" The Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), February 13, 1881, p. 1.</ref>

In December 1865, Captain Conrad and [[Captain Sou]]<ref>"[ Old Cap Susie dead]," The Pacific Bee, Sacramento, p. 5, March 1, 1888.</ref> tracked Tom to Fish Creek (present day [[Battle Creek Ranch]]) and in the resulting battle killed forty of Tom's band with only three survivors.<ref name=lewers/>  See Wheeler's ''Nevada's Black Rock Desert'' for a detailed description of the battle.
=November 1865=
An 1896 article states that in November 1865, Lieutenant Osmer tracked Tom to the Quinn River resulting in 55 Paiutes and one soldier killed.<ref name=lewers>"[ History of Nevada]," Robert Lewers, Weekly Nevada State Journal, p. 1, November 14, 1896</ref>
Joseph Bellew (aka Ballou) was murdered near [[Cedar Springs]].
:"Mr. Ballou had got up opposite Cedar Station (about fifteen miles from the Humboldt River)"<ref>"[ Indian Massacre]," The Chico Weekly Courant, November 18, 1865, p. 2</ref>
Fairfield recounts the 1865 murder of Bellew and the Quinn River battle:
:"The  Murder  of  Bellew"
:"On  the  fourth  of  November  three  or  four  ox  teams  that  were hauling  goods  from  California  to  the  Humboldt  over  the  Honey Lake  road,  were  approaching  [[Cedar  Springs|Cedar springs]],  thirteen  miles  from Rabbit  Hole  springs.  One  of  the  teams  had  gone  some  distance in  advance  of  the  others  and  was  captured  by  the  Indians.  The driver,  a  man  named  Bellew,  was  killed  and  mutilated  and  the wagons  plundered  and  set  on  fire.  The  Indians  went  off  toward Black  Rock."
:"'Black  Rock  Tom'  and  his  band  went  on  the  warpath  about the  middle  of  March,  and  were  joined  by  the  Indians  living  in the  mountains  to  the  north  and  northeast  and  by  renegade  Shoshones  and  Bannocks,  and  they  kept  up  hostilities  in  Paradise valley  and  on  the  northern  frontier.  In  May  Charles  Adams,  a Honey  Laker,  started  a  colony  in  Paradise  valley.  In  a  fight there  with  the  Indians  the  following  July  M.  W.  Haviland,  a member  of  the  colony  and  another  of  our  Honey  Lake  acquaintances, was  wounded.  The  peaceably  disposed  Pah  Utes  were afraid  that  the  warlike  attitude  of  this  band  would  bring  the anger  of  the  whites  upon  the  whole  tribe  and  cause  their  destruction. Because  of  this,  [[Captain Sou|Captain  Soo]],  the  chief  of  the  Humboldt river  Pah  Utes,  determined  to  aid  the  soldiers  in  killing  off  the hostile  Indians,  regardless  of  tribal  relations."
:"The  news  of  Bellew 's  murder  was  taken  to  Dun  Glen  and Lieutenant  Penwell  was  ordered  out  with  twenty-six  men ursuit  of  the  Indians.  Captain  Soo,  who  had  been  the  leader in  the  Williams  massacre  in  1860,  acted  as  their  guide.  When he  examined  the  signs  about  the  scene  of  the  murder  he  came  to the  conclusion  that  Black  Rock  Tom  was  the  guilty  party,  and the  command  moved  north  in  pursuit.  On  the  ninth  of  November they  overtook  the  Indians,  and  found  them  intrenched  upon a  mountain  west  of  Pah  Ute  Meadows.  After  an  unsuccessful attempt  to  dislodge  them,  they  fell  back  about  seven  miles  into the  valley  and  camped  for  the  night.  The  next  morning  they started  for  Dun  Glen  without  having  killed  any  Indians  or  lost any  men  themselves."<ref name=fairfield>"[ Fairfield's pioneer history of Lassen County, California], p. 378, 1916."</ref>
Wheeler states that Black Rock Tom and is band were entrenched in the mountains to the west of [[Paiute Meadows]].  Wheeler also includes Osmer's official report which covers the event in detail.<ref name=wheeler>"[ Nevada's Black Rock Desert]," Sessions Wheeler, p. 116, 1978.</ref>
Fairfield continues:
:"On  the  13th  of  November  Lieutenant  R.  A.  Hosmer [Hosmer is probably a typo, it should be Osmer] of  Company B,  Second  California  Cavalry,  with  sixty  soldiers,  four citizens,  and  Captain  Soo  with  fourteen  of  his  warriors  started from  Dun  Glen  to  make  another  effort  to  punish  the  bold  outlaw. On  reaching  the  sink  of  Queen's  river  a  hundred  miles  northwest of  Dun  Glen,  the  wagons  were  left  in  charge  of  fourteen men  and  the  rest  continued  the  march.  At  daylight  on  the morning  of  the  17th,  after  having  passed  through  the  swampy sink  of  Queen's  river  during  the  night,  Captain  Soo  declared, as  the  summit  of  some  low  hills  was  reached,  that  he  could  see the  smoke  of  the  enemy 's  camp  fires  some  nine  miles  away  to  the northeast.  He  also  insisted  that  the  smoke  came  from  the  camp fires  of  Black  Rock  Tom.  The  march  was  continued,  and  when they  got  to  within  five  miles  of  the  point  where  he  said  he  could see  the  smoke,  it  could  be  seen  by  all.  The  Indians  did  not  see them  until  they  were  about  two  miles  from  them,  when  Lieutenant Hosmer  said  "Come  on,  boys,  we  can't  go  around.  The best  man  will  get  there  first."  The  command  then  struck  out, every  man  for  himself,  for  a  two  mile  charge.  Captain  Soo, who  was  riding  on  an  old  McClellan  saddle  given  him  by  the soldiers,  finding  that  some  of  the  whites  were  likely  to  pass  him, reached  down  and  cut  the  girth  of  his  saddle  with  a  knife  and threw  out  the  saddle  from  under  him.  He  kept  on  barebacked, and  was  the  first  to  charge  in  among  the  enemy  who  were  doing their  best  to  escape. A  skirmish  battle  that  extended  over  several miles  of  country  followed.  Along  the  last  of  it  Captain  Soo used  an  old  cavalry  saber  with  good  effect.  Only  one  prisoner was  taken,  and  that  was  a  squaw  whom  a  citizen  was  trying  to kill,  but  was  prevented  by  a  soldier.  Only  six  Indians  and  five squaws  escaped,  among  whom  was  Black  Rock  Tom.  David O'Connell  was  killed  and  Sergeant  Lansdon  and  another  man were  wounded.    The  bodies  of  fifty-five  Pah  Utes  were  found,  but this  does  not  account  for  all  the  Indians  killed.  Many  of  them must  have  remained  hidden  on  the  battle  ground  which  extended over  an  area  of  possibly  three  square  miles  and  which  contained many  gullies  and  quantities  of  sage  brush."
:"After  the  battle  was  over  a  corporal  was  called  by  a  comrade as  he  was  coming  down  the  side  of  the  mountain.  He  went  to him  and  found  him  trying  to  stop  the  blood  that  was  flowing from  the  wounds  of  an  Indian  mother.  Beside  her  lay  an  infant that  had  been  struck  by  an  accidental  shot  and  near  by  was another  child  about  two  years  old.  The  private  wanted  the corporal  to  help  him  carry  the  squaw  down  to  the  camp,  for  he thought  it  was  too  bad  to  let  her  die  and  the  children  starve. The  corporal  said  he  was  in  a  hurry  and  told  him  to  call  a  citizen near  by  to  help  him.  Soon  after  reaching  the  foot  of  the  hill he  heard  several  pistol  shots  in  the  direction  of  where  he  had left  the  two  men  and  the  squaw,  and  looking  up  that  way  saw the  soldier  coming  down  alone.  When  he  came  up  the  corporal said  'Where  is  that  squaw?'    'That  was  a  fine  specimen  you called  to  help  me,"  was  the  reply.    "The ---- bush-whacker shot  the  whole  lot  of  them,  babies  and  all,  before  I  knew  what he  was  up  to.'<ref name=fairfield/>
=December 1865=
In December 1865, Captain Conrad and [[Captain Sou]]<ref>"[ Old Cap Susie dead]," The Pacific Bee, Sacramento, p. 5, March 1, 1888.</ref> tracked Tom to Fish Creek (present day [[Battle Creek Ranch]]) and in the resulting battle killed forty of Tom's band with only three survivors.<ref name=lewers/>   
Fairfield reports:
:"A  part  of  Company  B  from  Dun  Glen  and  Company  I  from Camp  McDermit,  both  of  California  regiments,  met  at  Kane springs  in  December  for  a  scout  under  Captain  Conrad.  Black Rock  Tom  had  gathered  in  the  scattered  families  of  his  followers, and  joined  by  those  of  other  bands  that  were  committing depredations,  had  rendezvoused  at  another  place  on  Queen's river.  The  snow  was  lying  on  the  ground  at  the  time,  and  one night  while  out  the  command  was  forced  to  lead  their  horses  in a  circle  to  keep  from  freezing.  They  were  allowed  to  build  no fires  to  keep  the  Indians  from  knowing  that  they  were  there. Finally  the  Indians  were  discovered  on,  or  near,  Fish  creek  and surrounded  before  daylight. One  squaw,  a  boy,  and  an  old  man were  captured,  and  the  balance,  about  forty  in  all,  were  killed. None  of  the  white  men  were  killed.  This  ended  organized  hostilities on  the  part  of  any  band  of  the  Pah  Ute  tribe,  but  some of  the  more  desperate  went  in  with  the  Shoshone  and  Bannock renegades  and  kept  up  the  fight  the  following  year,  some  of  them going  into  Paradise  valley."<ref name=fairfield>"[ Fairfield's pioneer history of Lassen County, California], p. 378, 1916."</ref>
Again, Wheeler includes a letter from Osmer that covers this battle as well.<ref name=wheeler/>
=Death of Black Rock Tom=
''Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867'' states:
:"''Remarks on Return of Company K, Second Cavalry, for January, 1866.''- According to instructions from Headquarters District of Nevada, and S.O. No. 31, of December 20, 1865, I left Fort Churchill, Nev., December 21 1865, with nineteen men of company to execute orders at Dun Glen, Nev.  After four days' march, I arrived at [[Blake's Station]], where the citizens turned over to me a notorious Indian called "Black Rock Tom."  After being put in charge of the guard, he tried to escape and was shot dead by some of the command."<ref>"[ Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867]," California. Adjutant General's Office, p. 186, 1890.</ref>
In 1913, Sam Davis tells a different story:
:"Black  Rock  Tom,  who  was  absent  at  the time,  went  down  to  the  sink  of  the  Humboldt,  and  delivered  himself  up as  a  prisoner  to  the  chief  Captain  Soo,  who  turned  him  over  to the  soldiers  and  told  him  that  he  had  better  make  his  escape  if  he  wished to  live.  An  opportunity  was  given  for  the  attempt  to  be  made,  which  he availed  himself  of,  when  he  was  shot  and  killed."<ref>"[  The history of Nevada]," Davis, Sam P., page 176, 1913.</ref>
Fairfield's 1916 History of Lassen County has details:
:"The  Death  of  Black  Rock  Tom"
:"Black  Rock  Tom,  who  was  absent  when  his  band  was  destroyed, went  down  to  the  sink  of  the  Humboldt  and  gave  himself up  to  [[Captain Sou|Captain  Soo]].  "The  Humboldt  Register"  of  December 30th  has  the  following:"
:"Black Rock Tom  all  Right"
:"Several  messengers  have  come  lately  from  Captain  Soo  to citizens  here,  asking  them  to  come  down  to  the  Big  meadows and  be  put  in  possession  of  the  notorious  cut-throat  known  as 'Black  Rock  Tom.'  Those  who  have  been  accustomed  to  attend to  such  business  were  busy,  and  Tom  remained  on  the  meadows doubtless  each  day  feeling  more  secure.  "When  Captain  Street came  that  way  Tuesday,  Soo  notified  him  of  the  opportunity  to capture  this  leading  marauder.  Street  took  him  in  charge." Some  citizens  then  went  to  Tom  and  told  him  that  the  people were  going  to  take  him  away  from  the  soldiers  and  hang  him, and  that  he  had  better  make  his  escape  if  he  wished  to  live. Street  put  him  in  charge  of  a  squad  of  soldiers  and  gave  them particular  orders  not  to  allow  him  to  escape.  Probably  the soldiers  knew  what  the  citizens  had  told  Tom  and  they  gave  him a  chance  to  get  away.  He  took  the  opportunity  and  the  soldiers shot  and  killed  him."
:"The following is also from the Register of December 30th."
: "Black Rock Tom's Pale Horse"
:All hunters of Indians who came to an engagement any where between this and Owyhee, and almost all parties attacked on that road during the past season, emarked a white horse of extraordinary qualities, the rider of which seemed to take great pride in his efforts 'to witch the world with noble horsemanship.' The white horse was ever spoken of as a wonder of strength and fleetness. The rider - a stalwart Indian - delighted to dally just out of musket range from the white men, caricoling most provokingly, and darting off occasionally with the fleetness of the wind. The rider was Black Rock Tom. He has quit this vale of tears, but the horse has not been taken. Tom did not bring the pale horse on his last trip, and the much-coveted animal is still in Indian hands."<ref name=fairfield/>
Oddly, an 1881 article states that Se-quin-a-ta was alive and living on the reservation.<ref name=1881Carson/>


Latest revision as of 07:00, 19 November 2023

Sequinata (Se-quin-a-ta), also known as Black Rock Tom, was chief of the Black Rock Band of Paiutes.[1] In March, 1865, he and others killed George Thayer and Lucius Arcularius at the Smoke Creek Desert.[2]


Se-quin-a-ta was for the Paiute War at Pyramid Lake. In 1881 it was reported that his name was Chiquito Winne-mucca and that he distinctly remembered meeting Fremont in 1849 at Pyramid Lake. During one of the Pyramid Lake battles, Se-quin-a-ta disobeyed the orders of Young Winnemucca (Numaga) and charged past Numaga as Numaga was trying to start negotiations with Ormsby.[3]

November 1865

An 1896 article states that in November 1865, Lieutenant Osmer tracked Tom to the Quinn River resulting in 55 Paiutes and one soldier killed.[4]

Joseph Bellew (aka Ballou) was murdered near Cedar Springs.

"Mr. Ballou had got up opposite Cedar Station (about fifteen miles from the Humboldt River)"[5]

Fairfield recounts the 1865 murder of Bellew and the Quinn River battle:

"The Murder of Bellew"
"On the fourth of November three or four ox teams that were hauling goods from California to the Humboldt over the Honey Lake road, were approaching Cedar springs, thirteen miles from Rabbit Hole springs. One of the teams had gone some distance in advance of the others and was captured by the Indians. The driver, a man named Bellew, was killed and mutilated and the wagons plundered and set on fire. The Indians went off toward Black Rock."
"'Black Rock Tom' and his band went on the warpath about the middle of March, and were joined by the Indians living in the mountains to the north and northeast and by renegade Shoshones and Bannocks, and they kept up hostilities in Paradise valley and on the northern frontier. In May Charles Adams, a Honey Laker, started a colony in Paradise valley. In a fight there with the Indians the following July M. W. Haviland, a member of the colony and another of our Honey Lake acquaintances, was wounded. The peaceably disposed Pah Utes were afraid that the warlike attitude of this band would bring the anger of the whites upon the whole tribe and cause their destruction. Because of this, Captain Soo, the chief of the Humboldt river Pah Utes, determined to aid the soldiers in killing off the hostile Indians, regardless of tribal relations."
"The news of Bellew 's murder was taken to Dun Glen and Lieutenant Penwell was ordered out with twenty-six men ursuit of the Indians. Captain Soo, who had been the leader in the Williams massacre in 1860, acted as their guide. When he examined the signs about the scene of the murder he came to the conclusion that Black Rock Tom was the guilty party, and the command moved north in pursuit. On the ninth of November they overtook the Indians, and found them intrenched upon a mountain west of Pah Ute Meadows. After an unsuccessful attempt to dislodge them, they fell back about seven miles into the valley and camped for the night. The next morning they started for Dun Glen without having killed any Indians or lost any men themselves."[6]

Wheeler states that Black Rock Tom and is band were entrenched in the mountains to the west of Paiute Meadows. Wheeler also includes Osmer's official report which covers the event in detail.[7]

Fairfield continues:

"On the 13th of November Lieutenant R. A. Hosmer [Hosmer is probably a typo, it should be Osmer] of Company B, Second California Cavalry, with sixty soldiers, four citizens, and Captain Soo with fourteen of his warriors started from Dun Glen to make another effort to punish the bold outlaw. On reaching the sink of Queen's river a hundred miles northwest of Dun Glen, the wagons were left in charge of fourteen men and the rest continued the march. At daylight on the morning of the 17th, after having passed through the swampy sink of Queen's river during the night, Captain Soo declared, as the summit of some low hills was reached, that he could see the smoke of the enemy 's camp fires some nine miles away to the northeast. He also insisted that the smoke came from the camp fires of Black Rock Tom. The march was continued, and when they got to within five miles of the point where he said he could see the smoke, it could be seen by all. The Indians did not see them until they were about two miles from them, when Lieutenant Hosmer said "Come on, boys, we can't go around. The best man will get there first." The command then struck out, every man for himself, for a two mile charge. Captain Soo, who was riding on an old McClellan saddle given him by the soldiers, finding that some of the whites were likely to pass him, reached down and cut the girth of his saddle with a knife and threw out the saddle from under him. He kept on barebacked, and was the first to charge in among the enemy who were doing their best to escape. A skirmish battle that extended over several miles of country followed. Along the last of it Captain Soo used an old cavalry saber with good effect. Only one prisoner was taken, and that was a squaw whom a citizen was trying to kill, but was prevented by a soldier. Only six Indians and five squaws escaped, among whom was Black Rock Tom. David O'Connell was killed and Sergeant Lansdon and another man were wounded. The bodies of fifty-five Pah Utes were found, but this does not account for all the Indians killed. Many of them must have remained hidden on the battle ground which extended over an area of possibly three square miles and which contained many gullies and quantities of sage brush."
"After the battle was over a corporal was called by a comrade as he was coming down the side of the mountain. He went to him and found him trying to stop the blood that was flowing from the wounds of an Indian mother. Beside her lay an infant that had been struck by an accidental shot and near by was another child about two years old. The private wanted the corporal to help him carry the squaw down to the camp, for he thought it was too bad to let her die and the children starve. The corporal said he was in a hurry and told him to call a citizen near by to help him. Soon after reaching the foot of the hill he heard several pistol shots in the direction of where he had left the two men and the squaw, and looking up that way saw the soldier coming down alone. When he came up the corporal said 'Where is that squaw?' 'That was a fine specimen you called to help me," was the reply. "The ---- bush-whacker shot the whole lot of them, babies and all, before I knew what he was up to.'[6]

December 1865

In December 1865, Captain Conrad and Captain Sou[8] tracked Tom to Fish Creek (present day Battle Creek Ranch) and in the resulting battle killed forty of Tom's band with only three survivors.[4]

Fairfield reports:

"A part of Company B from Dun Glen and Company I from Camp McDermit, both of California regiments, met at Kane springs in December for a scout under Captain Conrad. Black Rock Tom had gathered in the scattered families of his followers, and joined by those of other bands that were committing depredations, had rendezvoused at another place on Queen's river. The snow was lying on the ground at the time, and one night while out the command was forced to lead their horses in a circle to keep from freezing. They were allowed to build no fires to keep the Indians from knowing that they were there. Finally the Indians were discovered on, or near, Fish creek and surrounded before daylight. One squaw, a boy, and an old man were captured, and the balance, about forty in all, were killed. None of the white men were killed. This ended organized hostilities on the part of any band of the Pah Ute tribe, but some of the more desperate went in with the Shoshone and Bannock renegades and kept up the fight the following year, some of them going into Paradise valley."[6]

Again, Wheeler includes a letter from Osmer that covers this battle as well.[7]

Death of Black Rock Tom

Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867 states:

"Remarks on Return of Company K, Second Cavalry, for January, 1866.- According to instructions from Headquarters District of Nevada, and S.O. No. 31, of December 20, 1865, I left Fort Churchill, Nev., December 21 1865, with nineteen men of company to execute orders at Dun Glen, Nev. After four days' march, I arrived at Blake's Station, where the citizens turned over to me a notorious Indian called "Black Rock Tom." After being put in charge of the guard, he tried to escape and was shot dead by some of the command."[9]

In 1913, Sam Davis tells a different story:

"Black Rock Tom, who was absent at the time, went down to the sink of the Humboldt, and delivered himself up as a prisoner to the chief Captain Soo, who turned him over to the soldiers and told him that he had better make his escape if he wished to live. An opportunity was given for the attempt to be made, which he availed himself of, when he was shot and killed."[10]

Fairfield's 1916 History of Lassen County has details:

"The Death of Black Rock Tom"
"Black Rock Tom, who was absent when his band was destroyed, went down to the sink of the Humboldt and gave himself up to Captain Soo. "The Humboldt Register" of December 30th has the following:"
"Black Rock Tom all Right"
"Several messengers have come lately from Captain Soo to citizens here, asking them to come down to the Big meadows and be put in possession of the notorious cut-throat known as 'Black Rock Tom.' Those who have been accustomed to attend to such business were busy, and Tom remained on the meadows doubtless each day feeling more secure. "When Captain Street came that way Tuesday, Soo notified him of the opportunity to capture this leading marauder. Street took him in charge." Some citizens then went to Tom and told him that the people were going to take him away from the soldiers and hang him, and that he had better make his escape if he wished to live. Street put him in charge of a squad of soldiers and gave them particular orders not to allow him to escape. Probably the soldiers knew what the citizens had told Tom and they gave him a chance to get away. He took the opportunity and the soldiers shot and killed him."
"The following is also from the Register of December 30th."
"Black Rock Tom's Pale Horse"
All hunters of Indians who came to an engagement any where between this and Owyhee, and almost all parties attacked on that road during the past season, emarked a white horse of extraordinary qualities, the rider of which seemed to take great pride in his efforts 'to witch the world with noble horsemanship.' The white horse was ever spoken of as a wonder of strength and fleetness. The rider - a stalwart Indian - delighted to dally just out of musket range from the white men, caricoling most provokingly, and darting off occasionally with the fleetness of the wind. The rider was Black Rock Tom. He has quit this vale of tears, but the horse has not been taken. Tom did not bring the pale horse on his last trip, and the much-coveted animal is still in Indian hands."[6]

Oddly, an 1881 article states that Se-quin-a-ta was alive and living on the reservation.[3]


  1. "The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, The History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming," p. 210, volume 25, 1890
  2. "A History of the State of Nevada: Its Resources and People," Thomas Wren, p. 290, 1904.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Indians and their wars in Nevada," The Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), February 13, 1881, p. 1.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "History of Nevada," Robert Lewers, Weekly Nevada State Journal, p. 1, November 14, 1896
  5. "Indian Massacre," The Chico Weekly Courant, November 18, 1865, p. 2
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 "Fairfield's pioneer history of Lassen County, California, p. 378, 1916."
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Nevada's Black Rock Desert," Sessions Wheeler, p. 116, 1978.
  8. "Old Cap Susie dead," The Pacific Bee, Sacramento, p. 5, March 1, 1888.
  9. "Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867," California. Adjutant General's Office, p. 186, 1890.
  10. "The history of Nevada," Davis, Sam P., page 176, 1913.

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