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901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001 
Carson City, Nevada   89701 -5249 
August 15, 2005 
Public Notice 
The Administrator of the Division of Environmental Protection gives notice that a public 
meeting regarding the proposed Authorization to Apply Portable Toilet Fluid (Permit) 
TNEV2005482 for the land application of portable toilet and holding tank fluids at the Fly 
Ranch, has been scheduled for 6:00 P.M. August 22, 2005 at the Gerlach Community 
Center, 410 Cottonwood, Gerlach, Nevada. 
The Applicant for Temporary Permit TNEV2005482 is: 
Liquid Waste Management, L.L.C. 
P.O. Box 575 
Sparks, Nevada 89432 
The facility, Fly Ranch, is located in Washoe County, Nevada and is in portions of 
Sections 34 and 35, Township 35 N, Range 23 E, approximately 25 miles north of 
Gerlach along Highway 34. The Applicant proposes to land apply screened portable 
toilet and holding tank fluids from Burning Man 2005 at the agronomic rate to nutrient 
deficient soils at the Bright-Holland Corporation owned site. The flow is estimated to be 
30,000 gallons per day for a ten-day period. The draft permit requires the fluids to be 
injected below the soil surface for odor and vector control and the facility to be fenced 
and posted. The draft permit also requires a crop to be planted to uptake the applied 
nitrogen within the six-month term of the Permit. The draft permit authorizes the use of a 
21,000-gallon steel storage tank. 
The Applicant was permitted to conduct the same activities last year under temporary 
permit TNEV2004377, August 27, 2004 through February 26, 2005. The Applicant has 
also applied for a five-year permit, NEV2005506, for the land application of future 
Burning Man event fluids. At a later date, the Division will issue a Notice of Proposed 
Action regarding the five-year permit and the public will be invited to comment on the 
proposed action on the permit application, at that time. 
The Administrator has determined that there is sufficient public interest in this draft 
permit to warrant a public meeting. 
Members of the public wishing to comment upon the proposed temporary permit and/or 
to recommend terms and conditions for consideration of incorporation in the temporary 
permit are invited to attend the meeting and provide comments and information that are 
pertinent to the Permit. Comments not related to water quality issues cannot be 
considered. The Division may set a five-minute time limit for oral statements based on 
the number of people in attendance who would like to comment. Comments must also 
be submitted in writing to be addressed in the Notice of Decision. Comments and 
information may be submitted by interested persons through the close of the hearing. 
Comments and information submitted to the Division, other than those to be presented 
at the meeting, must be received by 5:00 P.M. August 22, 2005, at the following 
Division of Environmental Protection 
Bureau of Water Pollution Control 
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001 
Carson City, Nevada 89701 
All comments and information received in writing during the public meeting will be 
considered in the final determination regarding this draft temporary permit. 
The application and all documents subsequent thereto are on file at the Division’s office 
in Carson City and are available for public inspection and copying pursuant to NRS 
239.010 and NRS 445A.665. For additional information please contact Bruce Holmgren, 
Bureau of Water Pollution Control, at (775) 687-9423, or at