Antelope Springs

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Antelope Springs is a spring located in the Antelope Range.

Antelope Springs was probably named in 1846 when William G. Parker killed an antelope there when he and Levi Scott were looking for a route from the Humboldt River to Rabbit Hole Spring.[1]

In 1860, Susan Coon died at Big Antelope Springs. The 1989 Oregon-California Trails Association puts the grave at T33N R13E S18.

An 1857 map shows "Antelope Spr."[2]

Antelope Springs was the first major spring that emigrants would encounter after leaving Lassen Meadows on the Applegate-Lassen Trail.

Big Antelope Creek Camp was occupied by the army in either 1863 or 1864,

There is quite a bit of confusion about the naming of the springs.[1]

Antelope Springs, Willow Springs and Cedar Springs, from the 1985 1:100,000 Eugene Mtns USGS Map.

A 1931 USGS Lovelock 1:250,000 map shows Willow Springs in that area, with other unnamed springs nearby. Cedar Springs might be another name for Willow Springs.

A 1971 Majuba Mountains 1:24,000 map shows Big Antelope Springs with graves marked.

A 1981 Scossa 1:24,000 shows Antelope Springs and Little Antelope Springs to the west of Big Antelope Springs and Willow Springs, though Willow Springs seems to be the name of the creek.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Applegate Trail," Helfrich, Devere, Klamath Historical Society, 1971, p. 22.
  2. "Map of the Western Division of the Fort Kearney South Pass and Honey Lake Road," 1857.

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